Chapter 2

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Percy's POV:

So far, my experience at this school has been pretty good. Annabeth has been as sweet as always, Stella seems like a nice person and Carter...Well, he seemed nice at first, but he's been shooting me dark looks lately.

At lunch, this girl called Katie or something came up to me and giggled, "Hey! You must be Percy. Nice hair! What's your number?" 

She really had the nerve to do that in front of Annabeth! What don't these girls get? Annabeth's my soulmate. I'm not interested!

 "Um, I already have a girlfriend, so no thanks," I said, grasping Annabeth's hand. Katie flicked her glossy brown hair behind her shoulder and shot Annabeth a disgusted look. 

"Her?" She snickered, pointing at Annabeth.

 "Yes, me!" Annabeth grumbled beside me, dragging me off. 

"Chill, Wise Girl! You know I would never break up with you for some other snobby girl." I grinned, patting her head. (I would've kissed her head, but school rules, you know?) She smiled back, her dazzling grey eyes twinkling.

 "I know, Seaweed Brain." She grinned. Gripping my arm, she dragged me off once again.

"Do you think taking Mrs O'Leary home is too risky?" I asked Annabeth. 

"Hmm... Maybe. We can always walk, you know?" She grinned, brushing her glossy blonde hair out of her perfect face.

 "True... But I'm not in the mood for walking right now." I smiled back. 

"Fine, but Mrs O'Leary needs to take a break once we get home, Seaweed Brain." Annabeth said. 

"Alright, Wise Girl. Let's go!" I grinned, pulling her away.


"Do you know why Carter hates me so much?" I questioned Annabeth as she leaped onto the couch. 

"No idea...Except, the other day, remember when Stella told us that Carter suspects we're demi-gods? I'm afraid that the rumor will spread, and our secret will be exposed!" Annabeth said, leaning onto my shoulder. 

"Yeah, but I doubt anyone will believe it. I mean, would you believe it if someone told us that Stella was some sort of witch? I don't think so. And plus, even if everyone does think we're demi-gods, they have no proof." I reasoned, playing with Annabeth's blonde curls. 

"True, but how about your really good swimming skills and my vast knowledge of Greek mythology? Don't forget how fluent in Greek we are!" She said, raising an eyebrow.

I slung an arm around Annabeth's shoulder.

Hmm. She's right. That might be a problem. We'll figure it out though. I mean, come on! I bet you can't think of a time when Annabeth and I actually ran out of ideas! (This is a hint to not  list all of the times we ran out of ideas!)

Carter's POV:

Percy. Percy Jackson. Very suspicious. 

Don't you think it's weird for a guy to show up in the middle of term and be really talented at a bunch of things? I mean, sure, it's not that weird, but to me, I think it's really weird.

He also knows Annabeth really well and they're dating (not that I mind). As well as that, I even overheard them (Percy and Annabeth) talking about suspicious stuff at lunch. 

"Camp...psst...Chiron...Tahlia...psst...mist...monsters." They had said.

When I walked past them, Percy shot me a weird look and then proceeded to talk about suspicious stuff.

When things like this happen at school, I make it my mission to get to the bottom of it. Even Stella doesn't believe my suspicions! She's meant to be a supportive and caring twin, but right now, she's acting stubborn and careless!

I hung out with Raffy (Rafael) and his gang today mainly because they have all the gossip and also because I wanted to annoy Stella (Raffy's sister Katie is Stella's rival).

I learnt that Percy is hiding a huge secret, and only Annabeth knows because she shares the same secret. I don't know where Raffy gets this information from, but I like it! The more, the better. 

While talking with Raffy and his gang, a plan formed inside my head to expose Percy and Annabeth. (I'm not usually this mean, but it's because I don't want Stella to be in danger and it's also because I might even become a popular kid(I know it's greedy of me to think that, but hey, you want to be popular too, don't you?).) 

My plan was quite simple. I needed to talk to Annabeth (because Percy probably now thinks I'm weird and I hate him) and somehow convince her to spill all her secrets. There's actually a big chance this plan will fail, but I'm willing to take the risk.

I set my plan to action as soon as the bell rang. 

I had to sprint to catch up with her and Percy. How were they so fast?

 "Um, Annabeth, can I talk to you?" I muttered, staring at my old Nike runners. 

"Uh...sure?" She said, glancing at Percy with an unsure look on her face.

 "Alone, please," I mumbled, gesturing for Percy to leave. Annabeth nodded and looked at Percy. 

"Bye Seaweed Brain." She smiled softly. Percy returned her smile before giving her a quick peck on the cheek. I forced a smile.

Once I was sure that Percy was gone, I began, "Look, Annabeth, I'm sorry for the way I was acting this week. I don't know what got into me. If it affected you or Percy, then I'm sorry. I want to continue being good friends like we were before, if you'd forgive me?" I looked at her with "pleading" eyes. 

"Sure." She muttered, looking confused.

 "Um...You know you can talk to me about anything, right?" I mumbled, forcing a smile. She nodded, then suddenly narrowed her eyes. 

"Is this about the demi-god thing and how Percy's "dangerous?" Annabeth demanded, her eyes blazing. 

"Err...No! O-of course n-not!" I stammered, turning to go. Annabeth gripped my wrist. "Tell me the truth!" She barked. I panicked.


Note: This was quite a long chapter, but I still hope you enjoyed it. Thank you for more than 10 reads! Again, if you spot any mistakes or if you'd like to recommend a plot twist or a change to the book, please let me know. :)

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