Chapter 8

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Lucas's POV: 

Yesterday, Leslie told me a crazy plan to separate Percy and Annabeth that might just work.

Basically, while Leslie told Percy that Annabeth had cheated on him with me, I told Annabeth that Percy cheated on her with Leslie. Then, like magic, Leslie and Percy would be an item, and Annabeth and I would be an item! The only obstacle was Stella Solace, Annabeth's bestfriend. I'm not sure if she overheard Leslie and I chatting yesterday...

I'm so happy right now! Today, we put our plan into action and it might've worked!

At snack, Leslie shot me a thumbs up and we headed off in search of our targets. 

Percy and Annabeth were together (as usual) but we told them we needed to talk to them privately. 

I pulled Annabeth aside.

"Uh...This is kind of hard to explain but basically I saw Percy holding Leslie's hand." I mumbled as Annabeth stood in front of me, her arms folded.

"When was this?" She demanded. 

"At snack I think." I muttered.

Her eyes darkened and she walked off without another word. Had she believed me? Time would tell.

Leslie's POV:

Percy is definitely mine now. Yesterday, when Lucas was chatting with Annabeth, I dragged Percy to my locker where I fumbled through a messy pile of papers as Percy waited beside me. 

"Can you remind me why I'm here again?" He yawned, leaning against the locker beside mine. 

"I need to show you something very important!" I told him, finally locating the 'photo' I had taken of Lucas and Annabeth (I totally didn't photoshop it!). 

Handing him the photo of Annabeth and Lucas staring lovingly into each other's eyes, I pretended to be genuinely sad and sniffed, "Omg Percy! You've been dating a cheat! I caught Annabeth and Lucas together yesterday and managed to take a photo. You should definitely dump her! She doesn't deserve you!"

He stared at the photo, stormed to the bin a few steps away, ripped the photo to shreds and stomped off. I quickly chased after him. 

"And Percy..." I called after him. 

He turned around. I could see small tears forming in his eyes. 

"Remember, I'm always available!" I giggled, winking. 

Then, I headed back to my locker where Lucas was going to meet me. Our plan was going to succeed. I could feel it!

Lucas's POV: 

Our plan worked so well! I'm certain they hate each other now. I caught them shooting each other dark looks during the day. I'm sure they'll break up very soon! 

As Leslie and I headed out of the school gate, we put phase 2 of our plan into action. 

We would text Annabeth and Percy and try to convince them to dump each other. Then, if they'd already broke up, we'd ask to hang out with them.

Here's what happened with Annabeth and I:

L: Hey!

A: ?

L: Sorry about Percy.

A: No, it's fine. It isn't your fault.

L: So...did you guys break up?

A: Yep. I never thought this would happen.

L: Me neither...

A: Uh I need to go...

L: Wait! Do you have time to hang out this week?

A: Not after school but I can do lunchtimes. 

L: Cool!

A: I guess I'll see you tomorrow.

L: Bye! 

A: Bye

Yes! Our plan had worked really well! I nudged Leslie and she shot me a pleased smile. I'm pretty sure the same thing happened with Leslie and Percy.

Leslie's POV:

I'm so smart! My brilliant plan worked and now Percy is mine! As soon as Lucas and I arrived back home, I sprinted up to my room and started texting Percy.

L: Hey!

P: Ur back!

L: Yeah. Do u still like Annabeth?

P: Not really ever since she cheated on me.

L: I never knew she could be this cruel!

P: Me neither

L: So, r we still hanging out at school tomorrow?

P: Sure, why not?

L: Amazing! I'm so excited!

P: I gotta go.

L: Ok! Seeya!

P: Bye.

Omg! I couldn't believe we were going to hang out tomorrow! I think I was acting kind of overexcited though, because after I said, 'Amazing! I'm so excited!' Percy told me he needed to go. Hopefully tomorrow goes well.

Stella's POV: 

I cannot believe that Carter and I might be related to Percy and Annabeth's friend Will! This is so exciting! That's all I can think of right now, but I do feel like a bad friend because I'm all excited while Annabeth is miserable because of Percy.

I cannot believe that guy! Now he's hanging out with Leslie. Leslie! The girl he 'hated!' 

I'm so mad at him, more mad than when Carter was being an idiot! Now, Carter's apologized and we're happy siblings again. If only that happened with my bestfriend and Percy! 

I get mad even when I hear his name! Annabeth and I need to think of a plan to get some revenge.


Note: This was quite a short chapter but there was definitely a LOT of drama! Chapter 9 will be coming soon! Thank you guys so so much for 220+ reads! I cannot believe it! Also, if you see any mistakes, please let me know! Thank you guys again and have a good day/night :)

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