Chapter 3

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Carter's POV:

When Annabeth had grabbed my wrist so aggressively, I was beginning to regret executing this plan. 

"Carter!" Annabeth spat, forcing me to look at her piercing grey eyes. 

"I-yes?" I stuttered, avoiding eye contact. 

She sighed, which took me by surprise. I was definitely expecting her to punch me or something. 

"Look, I know you probably hate Percy because of some weird rumor, but trust me. Percy's not a bad guy! Please Carter, just let it go. I don't want all this drama keeping Stella and you apart. It's just some stupid rumor." She pleaded, her eyes glassy like she was about to cry. 

I swallowed. Annabeth was making me feel guilty. Maybe I should- No. I'm sorry Annabeth. I shot her an apologetic look and walked off. Yes, all this stuff was causing a lot of drama, but Carter Solace never gives up.

Okay. That plan didn't work so well, but I always have a Plan B. Yes. Um, so Plan B is that I... Aha! Got it. My second plan was simple (I know I said that for my first plan, but this one is actually simple). 

All I had to do was create a fake article online about the "dangerous" Percy Jackson and his sidekick (Annabeth), screenshot it and send it to Stella, then, as if magic, she'd believe me, apologize, shoot Annabeth and Percy a dirty look and boom! She was on my team. Yes. This would definitely work. I was sure of it.

I finished my fake "article" on Percy and Annabeth just as my door swung open. Without thinking, I slammed my laptop shut and tucked it under my blanket (I was sitting on my bed).

 Stella walked in with her laptop, raising her eyebrow. "What was that?" She demanded. 

"Um, my biology assignment?" I said, but it came out more like a question. She raised her other eyebrow.

 "Why are you hiding your assignment?" She questioned me, her emerald eyes turning dark. 

"Uh, it's a secret?" I lied.

 "Whatever, now come here right now." She said bitterly, rolling her eyes dramatically. I hopped off my bed and waddled over to her awkwardly. 

"Do you have anything to do with this?" She barked, showing me an Instagram story exposing Percy. I looked at the account. Some guy called "PercyJacksonisafake" had posted it.

 "Not me!" I answered truthfully. Stella narrowed her eyes. I put my hands up in surrender. 

"Hey! You know I wouldn't do something so vile!" I argued, staring at her accusingly.

 She sighed, "Fine. I believe you, but if you do anything similar to this, well..." 

"Well, what?" I asked. She shot me a death stare. 

"Okay! I wouldn't even do something like that in the first place!" I lied, avoiding eye contact. She shot me a you'd-better-be-telling-the-truth look and slammed the door shut. I sighed. Maybe I should delete the article and forget about Plan B...

Stella's POV:

When I saw that vile Instagram story, I immediately thought that Carter was to blame, so I confronted him.

As soon as I barged into his room, he hid his laptop under his blanket. That got me even more convinced that he was the culprit, but turns out, he wasn't. He was definitely up to something, though, and it was not his biology assignment.

I decided to leave him alone for the time being, but I might just spy on him later on to see if he was really up to something. After all, Annabeth is my best friend and I knew that she loved Percy very much. If Carter would ever decide to start rumors about Percy and Annabeth, I would never forgive him. 

In Math class the next day, the teacher was busy explaining some complicated formulas when my phone dinged. Damn it. I had forgotten to turn my phone off. 

The teacher shot me a dirty look and yelled, "Miss Solace, if I hear that phone of yours ding one more time, I'm afraid I have to give you a detention and confiscate your phone!"

I nodded, slipped my phone out of my pocket and turned it off, then slipped it back into my pocket. Which idiot would even message me at a time like this? Everyone should be in class by now.


"Miss Solace! You are clearly distracted! Give me that phone!" The teacher shouted, snapping me out of my thoughts. 

Rolling my eyes, I handed her my phone. She shot me a disappointed look and shook her head. I sighed. When was Math class going to end?

The bell rang for snack and everyone rushed to get out of the classroom. In under a minute, it was just Miss Garnet and I.

"Um, Miss Garnet?" I mumbled awkwardly as she sat on her hot pink armchair and corrected everyone's homework. 

"Mhm? What is it, Miss Solace?" She asked me sternly. 

"Er, can I h-have my phone back?" I stammered, staring at the homework she was marking.

 She sighed, "Fine, but only because you're a straight-A student. I don't want to see you distracted again, though! The next time that happens, I'll confiscate it for a week!" 

"Yes, Miss Garnet," I said, taking my phone from her hand. "Um, bye. Have a good day." I muttered, turning to go.

 "You too, Miss Solace." She replied, then quickly turned back to correcting everyone's homework. I smiled to myself. I got my phone back!

While I was walking home with Carter, I scrolled through Instagram, looking at everyone's posts. I smiled when I saw Annabeth standing with Percy in front of an ice cream shop. They were both holding blue heaven ice creams and were smiling from ear to ear. 

This made me extremely content. I loved seeing my best friend happy. 

After, I scrolled through my messages, noticing that Carter had sent me something. I checked the time. 2:54. He had sent me something in the middle of Math class.

He was the reason I got in trouble! I was about to give him a piece of my mind when I realized it must have been important if he sent it in the middle of class. I clicked on it, and he had typed:

'Hey Stella. I know you probably won't be happy to see this, but look what I found on the internet.' 

Below it was an article on Percy Jackson and his "sidekick" who I assumed was Annabeth. 

'The infamous Percy Jackson and his "sidekick" exposed! Read below for more information on the dangerous duo.' 

That was the first sentence. I clenched my fists.


Note: Hi guys! Again, this was an extremely long chapter, but I still hope you enjoyed it! I tried to make the paragraphs shorter like one of you guys had recommended, but some of them are still a bit long, so I'm sorry if you had trouble reading them! Have a good day/night! :)

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