Chapter 5

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Leslie's POV:

I practically bolted downstairs this morning. I was so excited to see Perc- I mean Annabeth. I shoved my cereal into my mouth and was busy stuffing everything into my tiny backpack when my mum had come down the stairs and witnessed me stuffing everything into my bag like a crazy person. She raised an eyebrow.

"Aren't you an eager beaver!" My mum chuckled, taking her "best-mum-in-the-world" mug and pouring boiling water into it slowly. 

"Yes! I'm just really excited to see my old friends! Now, please wake Lucas up. We're going to be late!" I complained, pointing at the old clock on the wall. 

She chuckled to herself. 

"Darling, it's 8. West Hambridge High starts at 9. Don't be so impatient. Let your brother have some sleep, will you?" She laughed, drowning a teabag in her mug. 

I rolled my eyes and huffed, "Fine, but I'm going to school anyways." 

I caught my mum frowning as I stomped out the door and slammed it shut. What didn't she get? I "missed" my old friends very much and I couldn't wait to see them (totally!)!

The amusing thought of Annabeth's annoyed expression when Percy finally becomes mine made me smirk as I trudged along the footpath. 

I scrolled through Instagram as I walked toward the school. Hm. Nothing interesting...yet.

I was focused on a photo of Percy and Annabeth when a car skidded to a stop in front of me. I yelped, dropping my phone. I scanned my surroundings. Where was I? 

I was standing in the middle of a busy street where a driver was cursing at me for being irresponsible. 

Rolling my eyes, I picked up my phone, examined the humongous crack on it and clicked into Google Maps. 

Great. I was now 10 minutes instead of 2 minutes away from my new school. It was already 8:25! Panicking, I practically bolted to school, not taking one glance at my phone. 

I had arrived. It was 8:38. Phew! I was still early. Students were already buzzing around, chatting and spreading the latest gossip. I spotted my mum's black Mercedes pull into the parking lot with my grumpy brother in the backseat.

He was the opposite of me. I was cheerful and outgoing, and he was quite moody sometimes and kind of shy. 

"Hey grumpy pants." I snickered, ruffling his hair.

"Shut up, chatterbox." He snickered back, ruffling my perfect locks.

"Don't do that! I spent quite a bit of time doing my hair to look good for Percy!" I whisper-snapped at him.

"Oh yeah. I can't wait to see Annabeth!" He swooned. 

I rolled my eyes. Annabeth. The only obstacle stopping me from hooking up with Percy. I wish she could just magically fall in love with Lucas so Percy and I could be a thing!

I could already tell that Annabeth was putting Percy under some kind of love spell. After all, they're kids to gods and goddesses (Don't ask me how I know that, I have my ways!) and Percy wouldn't love Annabeth otherwise. 

I couldn't wait to steal Percy from her and expose her at the same time. This was going to be fun! Watch out "Percabeth." I'm coming!

Annabeth's POV:

All eyes were on Percy and I as we pulled into the school parking lot on Percy's brand new motorcycle I had recently purchased him. He grinned at me as I pulled off my helmet and handed it to him. 

"Let's go, Wise Girl." He laughed, pecking me on the head. 

I laughed back, clutching his hand as we walked through the office. I caught a glimpse of brunette curls as we headed up the stairs. Leslie. Of course. My smile dropped, and Percy immediately noticed that.

"What's wrong?" He whispered, slinging his arm around my shoulder.

"Leslie." I mouthed, rolling my eyes.

"Oh yeah! I forgot. I have Lucas to deal with." He said grumpily.

"Whatever. We can make it through. Stella's on our side, and we all dislike them. Right, Seaweed Brain?" I reminded him.

"Right, Wise Girl." He nodded.

We let go of each others' hands as we took a seat in our spots. 

"All right, class! Today we have new students." Our home room teacher beamed. 

At the mention of new students, everyone stopped chatting and turned to the front of the class. 

"Let me introduce you all to Leslie and Lucas." She grinned happily as we applauded and cheered. 

I clapped half-heartedly and Percy was doing the same. Stella looked at me and rolled her eyes. I  smiled. It was good to have friends (including a boyfriend!) on my side. I looked up at Leslie. She shot everyone a sickening sweet smile but when her gaze flickered to me, she scowled. I shot her a dark look. Lucas was busy staring at me. I shot him an I'm-not-interested look and turned away. He looked at his feet. I smirked.

"Alright, everyone. I've decided to change the seating arrangement," our teacher announced, "You can pick this time." 

Everyone cheered. My gaze flickered to Percy and Stella, and they nodded back. A row could fit exactly 6 people, so I hope we didn't end up with Leslie and Lucas. When the teacher gestured for us to go, everyone scrambled to be with their friends. Leslie was heading our way and I panicked, but luckily she was caught in a stampede of students, and I managed to squeeze into a spot next to both Percy and Stella.

Once everyone was settled down, I had a good look at the new seating arrangement. I sat in the first row with Percy on my right and Stella on my left. My table partner was Stella, as she was at the end of the row. Percy's table partner was this guy called Justin, who was nice to me, Percy and Stella, so that was okay. Next to Justin were two girls named Kirsty and Cora who were also nice. I was satisfied with the first row. 

Sitting in the second row were a few people that I kind of knew, but they were all nice and never bullied anyone.

Seated in the 2nd last row were the "popular" girls Katie (Yes, Katie as in Rafael's sister!), Christiana, Krystal, Steph, Lola and Brooklyn. They were all extremely flirty and chatty and they lived on gossip.

In the last row sat the trouble makers which were Rafael Harding and his gang. Surprisingly, Lucas and Leslie were sitting with them, but Leslie didn't look happy at all. I smirked, satisfied. It was going to be a very fun day for her.


Note: Hello everyone! Thank you so so much for almost 90 reads! Now I'll be starting to post chapters weekly or every few days. I'll keep you notified. Thank you so much! 23/04/2023 :)

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