First day of Lecture

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Chapter 12


" Do you think they are from the future?"


* Lan Sizhui's POV*

I woke up feeling energized. It's the first day of lectures. I guess I have to tease my parents who are having a date yesterday though I don't know what they talked about.

" Sizhui, breakfast is ready. Come and eat." Uncle called out.

" I'm coming uncle." I said as I sat down and we both eat silently.

After eating uncle asked me, " Are you planning to tease your parents for their date last night?" Uncle asked wiggling his eyebrows.

" I'm planning to tease baba. Father will just ignore me or say shameless." I said plainly.

" You know that both your parents has opposite personality, while you enherit both. I just hope you open up to more people. There is one thing that both your parents have in common apart from selfless love and giving justice, and that is caging what they really feel with them. One covered it with a sunshine smile. While the other hid it behind the cold iceberg glare.

Remember there is someone who could understand you. Someone who cared for you. So it would be better if you open what you really feel to them. I know you open yourself up to me, but I'm not the only person who cared for you. But just be careful of false friends. There are some who give you smile but deep inside planning for your death. I know you know what I mean." Uncle advice.

I know that was some sort of deep advice. A heavy one but I know uncle meant good. I nodded at him to signify that I understand what he meant.

" Get ready now. The lecture will start today. All the best." Uncle cheered.

I prepared myself for the lecture and went to lanshi.

I saw Father already seated in his chair.

I went and sat beside him.

" Good morning, Second Young Master Lan." I greeted with a soft smile.

" Father." He whispered.

" What?!" I asked in confusion.

" You... *Sigh* you may call me.... Father." He whispered but said the last word almost inaudible.

" You want me to call you father?" I asked but whispering my words.

He nodded but I notice his ears getting red.

' It seems like my parents are back together.' I grinned at my thought.

" Is this related to your date with baba last night? It seems like both of you already wants to be my parents. Am I getting a sibling?" I asked his mischievously.

His eyes enlarge. He was surprised.

" How?" He asked me.

" I cannot sleep last night so I decided to walk. About 10 my uncle went to me and told me to go back. But before we reach the guest quarters, I saw you with baba talking sitting at the roof, under the moonlight. I wanted to spy but my uncle told me to give you privacy and so I did. I only saw baba's head on your shoulder. So now am I getting a sibling." I explained with a smooth lie and mischievous smile.

" The...There is no such thing." He said slightly shuttering and avoided my gaze.

Before I tease father more, we both heard a very loud laugh.

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