Indoctrination 3

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Chapter 47


*3rd person POV*

" Lan Zhan, A-yuan...."

" Shhhh.... He'll be safe." Lan Wangji comforted his partner.

" But what if he's captured by the Wens?" Wei Wu Xian worriedly asked, while his tears are about to fall.

" Baba, do you think I'm too weak to be captured by the Wens?"


" A-yuan." Wei Wu Xian said as he went and hugged himself.

" I'm glad you're safe." Wei Wu Xian said not breaking the hug.

" Baba I'm your son. Nothing bad will happen to me." Sizhui said hugging his 'mother' back.

" That is why I'm worried, you are my son, so you'll make rush decision, without thinking of yourself."

" Atleast I'm safe now baba. I'll explain everything that happen later, but right now, we need to go to the lecture hall, or else they'll get suspicious." Sizhui suggest and Wei Wu Xian let go of his son.

" Fine but you have a lot of explaining to do young man." Wei Wu Xian firmly said.

" Baba, I'm technically older than you this time." Sizhui teases to lighten the mood

" Not my fault you time travelled in that age, but that doesn't change the fact that you came from me." Wuxian sassed.

" So you finally agree that your my mother?"

" I'm a man."

" But you birthed me."

" Don't care I'm still your father."

" A-niang."

" A-yuan I'm your baba not A-niang."

" A-niang."

" Baba."

" A-niang."

" Baba."

" A-niang."

" Baba."

" A-niang."

" Baba."

" A-niang."

" Baba."

" A-niang."

" Baba."

" A-niang."

" Baba."

" A-niang."

" Baba."

" A-niang."

" Baba."

" Stop it you two. Wei Wu Xian, Sizhui is your son and Sizhui he is your parent. End of story. Gosh you two are hella annoying." Jiang Cheng said obviously annoyed by the father and son duo.

" Wei Ying, Sizhui, let's go now." The father finally told his husband and son.

The group of 5 people finally walked towards the lecture hall and went to their proper place.

Soon after they arrive came a serious Wen Rouhan. His face may be deprived of emotion but his eyes carries too much anger that if looks could kill, every cultivator in the hall would've died already.

Wen Rouhan, who was followed by his two sons, his niece and his trusted servant, namely Wen Zuliu, sat by the throne infront of everyone.

Everyone in the room keep silent. Some even held their breath.

" I guess you know the reason why we called you hear this early." Wen Rouhan said with a smirk.

Everyone was confused, well except someone who just act confuse.

" Last night, someone sneak into my room and stole something important to the Wen Clan. I know that person who stole it, may not come out of my room unscathed , specially since the thing he stole is very powerful. Now before I find out who is he, you better step forward now and give me back my property." Wen Rouhan shouted.

Everyone looked puzzled.

" I'll give you time to confess. I'll count to ten. Better confess now before I'll find who you are." Wen Rouhan again shouted.

" Not to be rude Sect Leader Wen but it seems that we don't know what your talking about. What is this property you're talking about?" Nie Huaisang spoke but rather shyly.

" What the artifact is, is a secret of the Wens. That is why I'm puzzled why you youngsters know about it." Wen Rouhan said.

"  Well what if your fellow Wen Clan members were the one who took it and just put the blame on us. We even don't have our swords with us, how can we enter your place without being seen or being hurt." Jin XiZuan argued.

The Wens are silent for a moment, since they know that, whatever Jin XiZuan said was true.

" Anyways, I'll let my guards check your quarters, and whoever is caught with the artifact will be imprisoned in the Wen Clan dungeon. And for all of you here, Zuliu will check you, if you are keeping the artifact on you right now, The core melting hand will do what he do best. So tell me now while I'm still merciful.

* Sizhui's POV*

Pitiful Sect Leader. Many people here around me are wondering what was that artifact. Well the artifact was the object that cause all the chaos in the whole cultivation world and also to my parents life. The Yin Iron. Where did I put it? Together with the other pieces of the Yin Iron, the blood pool of the burial mounds. No one can take it there now as I'm the only one who can enter and safely go out of the burial mounds.

So good luck in searching Sect Leader Wen, what you are looking for is no more.

I smirk in my mind as a Wen disciple went and checked me if I'm hiding something.

The Wens already checked everyone and found no one in possession of the Yin Iron they are looking.

No matter how hard they search for it they won't find it. It's already gone. Now I or shall I say we only need to worry about the coming war.

The disciples who checked out the rooms also came back now.

" Sect Leader Wen, no on is in possession of the artifact. We checked the dorms but it's not there." The Wen disciple informed his master.

" Sect Leader Wen, we already told you, we didn't even know what artifact you are guarding, how can we steal something we don't know?" Nie Huaisang argued.

The Wens went silent. I know Wen Rouhan don't have any words to argue. He didn't find the Yin Iron to any of us. How I wish I could mock him now. Unfortunately, I can't make any trouble now. I need to be what I am before I time travelled. Calm, reserved, and quiet.

" I will investigate on this more. For now continue your lessons." Wen Rouhan finally said after a long time of silence and went away.

Now the boring lecture, which is technically just the Wen Clan handing us the " Quintessence of the Wen Clan" and letting us memorized everything in there.

So the boring day now start and let's wait if there are more drama today.


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