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Chapter 29


" It's pass nine. Wei Ying must sleep." He said and tucked his lover to bed and also lay down beside him.


* Wei Wu Xian's POV*

I woke up ahead of Lan Zhan today. He is peacefully sleeping while I'm on top of him and he is hugging me. Just then a mischievous thought came across my mind. Let's see how will you react with this Lan Zhan.

I removed myself from his embrace and took off my upper robe leaving me half naked. I also removed Lan Zhan's robe leaving his pants. When I saw him move I directly pretend to sleep.

Lan Zhan caress my hair and kissed my head. I pretended to wake up and then look at him with fear. I directly cover my body with the quilt and moved away from him.

" W-What are you g-going to do with me l-lan Z-Zhan? Please you already had enough last night." I said with fake tears.

" Wei Ying? What... What did I do?" He asked with worry.

" Lan Zhan you did not remember what you did to me Last night? Lan Zhan I told you we would wait till we get married but...but... Why Lan Zhan?" I said with a fake shakiness.

" Wei Ying I'm sorry. I don't know what I did." Lan Zhan said while trying to get close to me while I'm also moving farther from him.

" Don't know what you did? Lan Zhan can't you see the marks on my neck. It's a proof of what you did to me Lan Zhan. I never know you could do that to me." I fake cry while laughing inside.

" Wei Ying I'm sorry. I don't know what I was doing. I'm drunk. You... You can punish me all you like b-but please d-don't leave me Wei Ying. Please Wei Ying." He begged in the verge of crying. My gosh I never know Lan Zhan would cry because of this prank. Wei Wu Xian what are you thinking.

" Hahahahaha." I laugh to lighten the mood. He looked at me wondering.

" Lan Zhan didn't you notice you are wearing your pants? I never know that there is a day that Lan Zhan became stupid. Hahaha you're so cute begging Lan Zhan. Don't worry you didn't do anything to me apart from trying to kill me. But your so cute last night Lan Zhan and that is illegal in my heart." I said and hugged him.

" Tried to kill Wei Ying?" He asked worriedly and inspect me.

" Did Hurt Wei Ying?" He asked me.

" No you didn't Lan Zhan. It's also my fault. I told the drunk you I'll marry your Wei Ying first that is why he want to kill me. Awwss my Lan Zhan love me a lot and too possessive Lan Zhan." I said and kissed his nose. He then hold my waist and connect our lips and kissed me. Not long someone knocked in the door. Thinking it was just Sizhui or Xichen-ge we told him to enter.

" What..???" Said by the surprised disciple.

" Why are you here?" Lan Zhan asked harshly, and covered my body.

" Second Young Master Lan, Grandmaster and Sect Leader Lan told me to call you to administer the punishment. Someone was caught drinking alcohol Last night, but..." Said the disciple not looking at us.

" Go!" Lan Zhan ordered harshly.

" Woah... That disciple might have the biggest shock in his life." I commented and both of us dress up for the day.

*3rd person POV*

The disciple haven't recovered from the shock in his life. The righteous Second Young Master Lan is bedding someone before their marriage and there is a bottle of Emperor Smile. Maybe it's his time to shine. It's time not to be covered by the Shine of the Second Young Master Lan and his shameless fiance.

The disciple went to Hanshi where their Sect Leader, sect heir and Grandmaster are talking.

" Sect Leader Lan, Grandmaster Lan, Young Master Lan." The disciple greeted.

" Su she where is Wangji?" Asked Qingheng Jun.

" Sect Leader Lan, Second Young Master Lan and Young Master Wei is still in bed half naked. Young Master Wei also has hickies on his neck and I also found a bottle of Emperor Smile in their study table." He reported.

" What??!!" Lan Qiren raised his voice and the father and son looked at the disciple shocked.

" It's true Grandmaster Lan. I guess Young Master Wei seduced Second Young Master Lan. I guess Young Master Wei is with both the heir of Jiang and Nie last night." Su she informed.

" That Wei Wu Xian. He is really a disgrace to the Lan Clan." Lan Qiren said.

" Not because his mother didn't return your love doesn't mean that you have to disrespect his son. We still don't know the whole story. Xichen call your brother and his fiance here." Lan Haikuan ordered.

Lan Xichen stood up, bowed to his elders and went to his brother and future brother in law. After walking for 2 minutes he arrive at his brother's quarters.

" Wangji." Lan Xichen called out.

" Come in Xichen-ge." He heard Wei Wu Xian spoke and he entered.

" Father and Uncle want to talk to you because of last night." Lan Xichen told them.

" Last night?" Wei Wu Xian asked.

" Su She saw both of you half naked a while ago and the red dots on your neck A-Xian. I just hope Wangji had control himself Last night." Lan Xichen said to them with a teasing tone Last night.

" Let's go now. Just tell your story Infront of Father and uncle." Lan Xichen continued and the three of them went to Hanshi. When they arrived there, they saw the fuming Grandmaster Lan and the awkwardly smiling Sect Leader.

" Wangji, I need explanation on what you did last night." Lan Qiren demanded.

" Wangji is at fault Uncle. Wei Ying didn't do anything. Wangji was the main reason of everything." Lan Wangji confessed.

" Wangji how many times did I tell you not to do it before wedding. I did remind you not after your engagement and you still did it." Qingheng Jun reprimanded.

" Uncle Lan, Lan Zhan didn't do anything last night other than trying to kill me." Wei Wu Xian defended.

" What Wangji tried to kill you? I believe he can't do that to you. And why your both half naked if nothing happened." Lan Haikuan asked.

" Well I do know Lan Zhan can't kill me but he did not know it was me. I was teasing him last night that I'll marry his Wei Ying before him and I asked him what he'll do with me and he told me he'll kill me before I could take his Wei Ying which is actually sweet. As for the half naked, I was just pranking hoping he remembered some of his memories when he was drunk. Hoping he'll remember what he said last night." Wei Wu Xian said while blushing.

" What did I say?" Lan Wangji asked looking at his lover.

" That you'll make another Sizhui with me." The younger said.

" Who is Sizhui?"

" That would be me GRANDFATHER."


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