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Chapter 52

* 3rd person POV*

3 days had pass since they attacked Nightless City.

They had manage to kill he rest of the Wens.

Everything seems fine with the cultivation world, but Sizhui and the older Lan Xichen know there is still one problem, the Jins.

Not exactly every Jin Clan members, but just the leader and his bastard son, who manage to escape the Lan's swords.

Meng Yao or now known as Jin Guang Yao is now in Lanling Jin Sect. He is now officially accepted as Jin Guang Shan's son.

Now they are all gathered in Lanling Jin Sect to celebrate their previous victory.

Sizhui is seated with the Jiang's as he is a guest disciple there while both Wei Wu Xian and Lan Wangji are both seated with the Lans. The older Lan Xichen is with his younger version.

Jin Gaungshan, who didn't help the Siege, is now seated as the head of the banquet.

" Everyone." The leader of the Yao clan called out.

" I want to offer this toast to the main forces who over thrown the Wen Sect. Lan Wangji and Wei Wu Xian, or shall I say Lan Wu Xian." He continued and the others cheered for them.

" Thank you, Thank you. But honestly, we couldn't have done it without the help of the man in black. We don't know who he is but he did help us much during those times. Even if he's not here, let's cheer for the man in black." Wei Wu Xian smoothly lied, well partly.

" Well that man is indeed a mystery. No one, in the whole cultivation world, know who that man is." Jiang Cheng said not knowing the identity of the man in black, while the said man casually drank his tea.

" I guess we mustn't focus on his identity from now one. As far as I know he isn't a threat to us." Sizhui said while putting his cup back down.

" How can you say so?" The Jin Sect Leader asked.

" Well, he did save me when I was surrounded by the puppets and helped me heal before carrying me back to Cloud Reccesses, that was before he came to Nightless City and help defeating the wens." Sizhui reasoned so that he won't be asked more.

" So, he took you out of the battle field? He maybe someone you know, as he literally saved you and protected you during those times." Jin Guangshan said out loud.

" Well, if I'll follow your logic, the man in black is most likely related to most of the individuals here. He is only not related to some people here, specifically you. If I am not mistaken, you neither helped nor made an effort to help.

So since he helped or shall is say saved everyone during the siege, he is related to everyone except you." Sizhui said with a straight face.

" You..." Jin Guangshan has no words to say.

" Well I guess we must not drop into conclusion, and just thank the man in black for helping us." Lan Xichen said to cut the tension.

" Well I guess we can now proceed to the other agenda we have for this time, and that is to appoint the next Xiandu." Qingheng Jun suggested and everyone was now focus on suggesting their bet.

" Well I do have a suggestion." Wei Wu Xian speak out.

" I suggest Either, Qingheng Jun, Nie Mingue, or Lan Xichen for the role. Qingheng Jun since he spent much time in seclusion and reading books that may help guide the younger generation into good life. Nie Mingue since he has the strength and aura of a Xiandu, Strong powerful but not overbearing. Lan Xichen since he is trust worthy and approachable. He is also wise and kind. A very leader type." He continued.

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⏰ Last updated: 3 days ago ⏰

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