Confession and Confrontation.

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Chapter 14

*3rd person POV*

While the two cultivators are talking, neither of them know that there was someone watching them from afar.

The person was glad seeing them happy. The person is delighted that their mission would be easier that the two are now together.

" Sizhui, what are you looking at?" Li Xichen asked his nephew who is looking deeply at the waterfalls.

" Don't want to miss my parents sweet moments. I just hope I can hear them now." He said sadly.

" Oh? So where thus eavesdropping is forbidden?" Xichen teases.

" Not yet born in the Lan Clan. My parents are not yet even starting to court each other." He responded.

" Your really a son of Wei Wu Xian huh? Always finding holes in the clan rules.*sigh*" Xichen shook his head and Sizhui just shrug.

Xichen went back to their quarters to prepare for the lesson tomorrow while Sizhui went to the library to do his punishment of writing the GusuLan sect rules 50 times.

That is already the most lenient punishment Sizhui ever received. Since back in his timeline, the elders who are responsible in giving his punishment, always seeks the worst punishment he could receive just because of his title as the Sect Heir. Back in his timeline he is considered just an adopted son with no Lan blood. But now he already prove that he is indeed a Lan not by law but by blood. He has the blood of the two most powerful cultivator of their time. He is the blood son of Hanguang Jun and The Yiling Laozu, one of the twin Jades of Lan and one of the Pride twins of Yunmeng. He is the son of the head disciple of both GusuLan and YunmengJiang.

If only his parents can see how he strive to be a perfect Lan. If only the cruel cultivation world let them live peacefully.

Sizhui is now writing his 25th time. He wrote it by memory.

In his timeline there were about 536 new clan rules that were written after the death of Hanguang Jun his father. Fortunate for him, his Uncle the sect leader hand him the old copy of the GusuLan sect rules together with the new ones that is why he knows what rule to write and what rules is not yet written.

When he wrote the 2148th clan rule, the door of the Library opens up and there he saw Lan Wangji and Wei Wu Xian, his parents, enter and went near him. He stopped writing and looked at his parents.

" Baba, father, what brings you here?" He asked his parents.

" Father? Wait Lan Zhan you allow him to call you father? Lan Zhan you just confess then you let him call you father already? I did not yet answer your confession Lan Zhan." Wei Wu Xian whined.

" Baba, father told me to call him father before the lectures. Maybe it was a result of your date last night. But wait father confessed? How? Baba tell me." Sizhui pleaded. He don't want to be left out of the news.

" Well it's like this."


* Flashback...*

* An hour ago. After Lan Sizhui left.*

Wei Wu Xian and Lan Wangji were continuing their topic about their hypothesis. To be specific, Wei Wu Xian talked while Lan Wangji was in deep thought.

Wei Wu Xian seems to notice then asked,
" Lan Zhan are you fine? What are you thinking?"

" The first time Wangji met da-ge he told Wangji not to be coward and confess my feelings to the person I loved." He responded.

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