secret dating / a life where we loved eachother (saida)

966 14 4

req - Nachoozzzz

AU 1

"hello, ms. kim."

another staff came to her.

"yes?" dahyun looked at him.

"wanna go out?"

"uh... no thanks." dahyun smiled.


"no... sorry."

"just this time?"

sana walked into the room and noticed.

"please stop..."

"c'mon kim."


"dahyun~" sana backhugged her.

"oh! sana-unnie."

"hi sana, we're talking about something important right now. maybe leave?"

"oh, but i need her first so bye!"


sana pulled dahyun out.

"what happened?" sana asked, her tone was "annoyed".

"he was hitting on me."

"and you let him?"



sana cornered dahyun.

"you're mine, dahyun. okay?"


"you understood?"



sana kissed dahyun softly.


"pretty." dahyun complimented nayeon.

"thanks, dahyun!" they both giggled.

sana watched.

"sana? sana!"


mina pouted.

"ive been calling you for the past few minutes."

"oh, sorry."

"what are you looking at anyways?"


mina looked at her suspiciously.




sana hugged dahyun.

"hm? unnie?"

dahyun looked at sana confused.


sana suddenly pushed her to the bed.

she unbuttoned dahyun's blouse.

"wait! stop! what are you doing?!"

"you know you're mine, right?"

"y-yeah... what did i do?"

sana didnt respond.

she took off her panties, only leaving her skirt.

"uh-... unnie...?"

her dick was out.

she pulled down dahyun's pants.

"hey- what-"

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