Once Upon A Fear Returning

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It was almost six thirty on Saturday when Eddie pulled up at Steve's house. He finished the joint he was smoking then went to the door and knocked. After a minute. Mike opened the door and smiled at Eddie. Eddie threw his arm across Mike's shoulders, and they went to the kitchen where Steve was making popcorn and Dustin was supervising because Steve was either shaking it too much or not enough. When Eddie walked in, Steve shot him a pleading look that said, 'help me'.

Eddie reached out and snatched Dustin's Thinking Cap off then perched it on his own head. Dustin squealed and reached for it. Eddie ducked away from him, and Mike planted himself between Eddie and Dustin, laughing, his arms up, weaving back and forth to stop Dustin from getting to Eddie. Eddie flipped Dustin off over Mike's head then made his way over to the stove where Steve was.

Eddie nudged Steve with his shoulder and smiled over at him. Dustin started loudly complaining about what an asshole Eddie was, first being late, then taking his cap, so Eddie took off Dustin's cap and put it on Steve just as Dustin succeeded in getting around Mike. Eddie spread his arms and stood between Steve and Dustin, grinning stupidly at him.

"Steve is off limits," Eddie told him. "He's the Popcorn Master and if you make him burn my popcorn, you will absolutely regret it next time you have to face off against one of Vecna's cultists."

"We're not afraid of Vecna and his cultists," Dustin answered defiantly.

"The Party has a plan," Mike told Eddie confidently.

"Oh really?" Eddie crossed his arms over his chest as he leaned back against Steve's back.

"What are you guys talking about," Steve laughed as he turned the stove off and poured the popcorn into bowls. "Who is Vecna."

"In Dungeons and Dragons..."

"Stop," Steve interrupted Dustin loudly and threw his cap at him. Dustin caught it and put it back on his head. "I changed my mind. I don't want to know." He handed Eddie the largest bowl of popcorn, then handed two smaller ones to the boys. "Let's watch the movie so I can get you boys home at a decent hour."

Dustin and Mike started towards the living room and Eddie reached over and flipped Dustin's cap off. He caught it and glared at Eddie. Eddie just laughed and shoved a handful of popcorn into his mouth.


"In the living room," Steve said. "Help yourself."

In the living room, while the boys were getting situated on the floor with pillows, popcorn, and soda, Eddie went to Mr. Harrington's bar and perused the many bottles of liquor inside. Eddie was good with whatever cheap whiskey he could get his hands on usually, but apparently Mr. Harrington had a more discerning palate. Eddie didn't recognize most of what he was looking at, so he grabbed the bottle furthest in the back. He hoped it was something Mr. Harrington didn't drink much so he wouldn't notice if some of it was missing. Laphroaig. He couldn't even begin to try and pronounce that. Single malt scotch whisky. It would do.

Eddie flopped down on the couch with the bottle and one of the cut crystal whiskey glasses from the bar and poured himself a drink while Steve put the movie in the VCR then came to sit next to him. Steve wrinkled his nose and gave Eddie a funny look as he got a whiff of what Eddie was drinking. The scotch was extremely pungent, but when he sipped it, Eddie really liked the flavor. It tasted exactly like it smelled, like something burning, like acrid smoke. He could get used to this.

Eddie pulled his legs up on the couch, put the bottle of scotch between them, the bowl of popcorn on Steve's lap, then leaned back against Steve's shoulder. Steve shifted his arm behind Eddie, letting his hand rest on Eddie's hip against the back of the couch. He allowed Eddie to be as clingy as he wanted, or needed, to be but they tried not to do it so much in front of Dustin and Mike, or Lucas and Will either, because they didn't know about Eddie's attacks or his medication. Robin was the only one who knew. And that was how Eddie wanted to keep it.

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