And I Try To Get Through To You/As The Barriers Crumble

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Eddie took a shower and got ready to go to Steve's house. He even scrubbed his nails until every trace of grease from Wayne's truck was gone from under his them. Nothing he could do about his thumbnail though. It was black, but only because he'd smashed it with a hammer while driving rusty nails through the old baseball bat Wayne had given him. It wasn't so bad though. Wayne had wrapped a bandage around it to keep him from bumping it. But he'd live.

When Steve arrived to pick him up, Eddie was waiting on the steps of the trailer, the baseball bat propped next to him. He stood up when Steve pulled up then motioned for Steve to join him. Steve got out of the car and went to where Eddie was waiting. Eddie reached out and took one of Steve's hands in his. It was dark out, the only light coming from Steve's headlights, so he felt safe enough doing that.

"What's up," Steve asked, shivering. "It's cold out here."

"I have something for you," Eddie told him then reached behind him for the baseball bat. He held it out to Steve and grinned. "To keep Dustin in line."

"This is fantastic," Steve laughed as he took it. He took several steps back, so he was a safe distance away from Eddie, and twirled the bat in his hand before swinging at an imaginary target. "I love it." Steve flung an arm over Eddie's shoulder and hauled him in for a hug. "Thank you."

"Just promise you won't use it on me."

"Promise not to give me a reason to." Steve laid the bat in his back seat then got in the car with Eddie. "Have you had dinner?" Eddie shook his head as Steve started driving. "I'm out of popcorn. Dustin and Mike cleaned me out last night. We can stop and get pizza or tacos. Or there's Chinese delivery."

"Chinese," Eddie moaned lustily. He reached over and gripped Steve's arm. "I need egg rolls, Steve." His look was gravely serious. "My survival depends on it."

"Chinese it is," Steve laughed while he reached over and took Eddie's hand. He noticed the bandage on his thumb and frowned. "What happened," Steve asked, holding his hand gingerly so he wouldn't hurt him. "You do that working on your uncle's truck?"

"Nah," Eddie answered. "I had a disagreement with the hammer when I was making your bat."

"I seriously love it," Steve said with a quick glance over his shoulder at it in the back seat. "I never knew that I needed a spiked bat, but now that I have one, I don't know how I would live without it."

"Wielding the weapons of his trade, he defends the weak and protects the anxious with his mighty spiked bat and a greasy bag of Chinese carry out!" They both laughed at that. "You, Steve Harrington, are my savior."

"I'll always be there for you, Eddie." Eddie blushed. He wasn't sure why, but he liked the way that sounded.

They got back to his house and Steve carried his new bat into the house and quickly ran upstairs to lay it across his desk. Back downstairs, Eddie rolled a couple of joints while Steve ordered the Chinese food. While they were waiting for the delivery, Steve went upstairs to change out of his work clothes. He put on a pair of sweats and tank top covered by an oversized zip-up hoodie, something he could still wear to drive Eddie home later, then joined Eddie back downstairs. He found him crouched in front of the liquor cabinet, staring in at the bottles. Steve knelt behind him and wrapped his arms around Eddie.

"Don't drink tonight," he whispered into Eddie's hair. Eddie turned to face him. "We can smoke, but stay sober, okay?" Eddie looked skeptical. "For me?"

"Yeah, sure."

"Thank you." Steve brushed the back of his hand over Eddie's cheek as he leaned closer. "You are so..."

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