It Is Going To Take Your Breath Away

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When Eddie came back with the ice cream, chocolate for Steve and peppermint for himself, he sat on the floor between Steve's legs and Steve dropped a kiss on top of his head and they settled in to watch sitcom reruns on TV. Eddie turned every few minutes and dipped his spoon into Steve's bowl to take a bite of his ice cream. Steve just laughed and let him do it. After the fourth or fifth time he finally had to ask.

"Why do you keep doing that?"

"I don't like chocolate ice cream by itself," Eddie said, and Steve gasped.

"That's sacrilege," he laughed.

"I like it mixed with other things though," Eddie said. "Like peppermint."

"Chocolate and peppermint?" Steve made a face. "I'll take your word for it."

"No, no, no," Eddie said. "You have to try it." He dipped his spoon into Steve's bowl again, then into his own, then held the spoon up over his head, leaning back so he could see Steve. "Try it. Trust me. It'll change your life." Steve made a face again but tentatively leaned forward and tasted the mixed ice cream. As he pulled back and considered it, Eddie watched his face. Steve frowned, then he kind of smiled a half smile. "Well?"

"It's not bad, actually," he finally said while licking his lips. "But I think I'll... Eddie!" He caught Eddie's hand as the swirled pink and brown ice cream on the spoon started to drip onto his yellow shirt. "Shit!"

"I'm sorry." Eddie dropped the spoon into his bowl and set it on the table then turned to reach for Steve. "Baby, I'm sorry. It was an accident. Take it off and I'll wash it."

"You can't," Steve told him. "It's silk. It has to be dry cleaned."

"Shit," Eddie sighed and sat back on his heels. "I'm sorry, Steve." He hung his head.

"Hey, Eddie, it's okay." He peeked up at Steve and Steve was smiling. "It was an accident. I'll take it to the cleaners tomorrow and it'll be good as new." He covered Eddie's lips with his own. "Don't worry about it." Eddie still looked uncertain. "Come here." Steve took Eddie's hands and pulled him up onto his lap. "Forget about it."

"At least let me get you something else to wear for now." Steve nodded and Eddie ran to his bedroom. He was back a minute later with a clean t-shirt. He sat back down on Steve's lap. Eddie reached for the buttons on Steve's shirt and started working them open. "I'd be afraid to wear something that I couldn't just throw in the washing machine. But then I tend to drop shit on myself all the time. Just ask Robin how many times I've borrowed shirts from her when I eat dinner at her house." Eddie got the last button open and pushed Steve's shirt back off his shoulders. "I mean, I have a whole collection of Cyndi..."

His eyes went wide, and he froze. He stared for a long moment. Steve's shoulders, chest, and stomach were glorious. He'd kind of seen them before, when he'd buried his head under his shirt, but he'd been half asleep and up close he didn't get the full effect. But now, he licked his lips as a tingle traveled through him straight to his dick.

"Something wrong," Steve asked. Eddie shook his head. Steve shrugged the shirt the rest of the way off and laid it neatly to one side then reached for the t-shirt Eddie was holding. Eddie yanked it back and threw it over his shoulder, out of Steve's reach. "What the hell?"

"Not yet. I'm... Uhm..." His eyes darted up to Steve's then back down. "Fuck, Steve," he sighed. "Can I... Fuuuuck."

Steve smirked at his reaction. He reclined against the couch, his hands on Eddie's thighs. "You can do whatever you want to do, Eddie."

"Anything?" Steve nodded.

Eddie put his hands flat on Steve's stomach, felt the hard muscles under his hands. He wasn't sure when Steve had buffed up like this. He hadn't seen him without a shirt in years, not since that summer he worked as a lifeguard at the pool. But he wasn't hairy or buff back then. Now he was absolutely gorgeous, sexy. Eddie couldn't believe it. He traced the lines of Steve's abs with his fingertips for a minute, then up to his chest. He was so well defined and hard. But his chest and stomach weren't the only things that were hard. He could feel Steve's erection growing under him.

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