Every Day For Us Something New

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Eddie and Steve spent the evening cuddled on the couch, watching television and smoking weed. Around midnight, when Eddie started yawning, Steve suggested that they go to bed. They stood up and Eddie turned to face Steve, giving him the puppy dog eyes again. Steve nodded, whatever it was that Eddie wanted, he could have. So Eddie wrapped his arms around Steve's neck then hopped up into his arms, locking his legs around Steve's waist. Steve kissed him, carried him to the bedroom, then laid him in bed and slowly undressed him before undressing himself. Then Steve crawled into bed with him and they fell asleep in each other's arms.

The next morning, Eddie woke up early when he heard Wayne coming in from working the overnight shift. He slipped out of Steve's arms, pulled on a pair of sweats and a t-shirt, then went to join Wayne at the kitchen table while Wayne ate 'dinner'.

"I'm going to Chicago with Steve for Spring Break," Eddie said.

"Chicago?" Eddie nodded. "What's in Chicago?"

"Don't know yet," Eddie chuckled. "Steve hasn't said anything, but I feel like there's more to the invite than just getting away for a while."

"Call me and let me know when you get there so I don't have to worry, okay?"

"I will, Wayne." He stood up and turned back towards his bedroom. He saw Steve's bat propped against the side of the couch. He picked it up and hefted it over his shoulder. "Oh, we smashed up a couple of watermelon out back last night."

"I was wondering about that." Wayne pointed towards the bat. "Is that why you wanted the bat?"

"Yeah," Eddie answered. "It was kind of meant as a joke, but Steve actually real likes it. So, last night we decided to test it out a little."

"You taking it to Chicago with you?" Eddie nodded. "You two boys be careful and don't go doing something stupid. I do not want to have to drive to fucking Chicago to bail your scrawny ass out of jail."

"Scrawny? Steve says it's sexy." Eddie laughed when Wayne made a face and held up his hands in surrender. He didn't want to hear any more about that.

"When will you be back?"

"Next Sunday."

"Okay. Have a good time."

Eddie went back to the bedroom, propped the bat next to his desk, and crawled into bed next to Steve. He stirred and wrapped his arms around Eddie as he kissed him softly, then frowned against his lips.

"Why are you wearing clothes," Steve asked quietly.

"I was just telling Wayne about going to Chicago." He snuggled into Steve. "Did you want me to get naked again?"

"What time is it?"

"Seven thirty." Eddie reached down and wrapped a hand around Steve's dick.

"Mmm." Steve took Eddie's hand and pulled it away. "I've got a better idea."

"Better than a hand job?"

"Okay, not a better idea, but hear me out." He pulled Eddie on top of him and kissed him again. "Why don't we get up and go ahead and leave." Eddie made a pouty face at him. "I'll buy you donuts. The jelly filled kind, covered in powdered sugar." That changed his attitude quickly and his pout became a smile.

"I'm in." Eddie sat up, straddling Steve, and looked down at his naked body under him. "But you're going to have to make it up to me," Eddie said. "Because it's not that I prefer jelly donuts over your body, I think I like them equally, and I definitely want both. But right now, I'm hungry." He slid out of bed and pulled Steve to his feet. "And besides, Wayne's in the next room."

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