Chapter 7: A midnight tryst *Smut warning*

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*Smut* warning. A bit spicier than last time as it takes place in public. Enjoy. 

It was a mellow spring night like any other in London, the entire city wrapping up its day and getting ready for its slumbers, and in a light breeze almost 100 feet above the ground, Cate Blanchett told me she loved me. 

"I love you too," I said matter-of-factly, the way I said it in my head countless times now. 

I grabbed her hand and directed her towards the exit, but she pushed me against a cold slab of concrete and slid her hands around my waist. 

"I want you so"

"Cate, someone might come up -"

"I don't care," she commanded, and before I knew it, her mouth was on mine, and my floral dress lifted entirely up to my bra. 

"Oh my god," I moaned, my heart pumping blood into my lower body with a ferocity that threatened to puncture my skin. I reached up to take off Cate's black suit but she slapped my hands away. 

"Please, let me touch you..." I begged. 

"No, wait for your turn." She then knelt down and shoved my dress over her head. Propping up one of my legs over her shoulder without tipping off my balance at all, her tongue aimed for my clitoris with shocking precision that made me scream out. 

"Don't keep those beautiful noises all pent up, my're mine now." 

She ate my pussy fast and hard, while one of her hands reached up into my dress and gently cupped over my nipples - the stunning contrast in pressure made my entire body spasm. Soon my vagina started aching and vibrating in anticipation. "OH fuckkkkk, Cate...fuck slow down you're tipping me over the edge -" 

Instead, she completely ignored me and ramped up her speed, her face knocking my entire lower body against the wall behind me. The sounds, warm thuds at first, became much more slippery as she started making a hot mess between my legs. Her mouth almost became one with my vagina, discovering and activating every bundle of hungry nerve endings tucked away in the folds and crevices that I never knew existed. 

Tiny orgasmic signals started traveling from my clitoris to my head, shoulders, arms, legs, toes, imbuing my whole body with a warm, scintillating glow that made me forget time - it felt like we were doing it for no more than 10 minutes but also an eternity. 

"I'm gonna make you cum so hard..." her deep, sultry voice drifted into my ears as I progressed nearer and nearer, my consciousness morphing into a trance state between wakefulness and slumber. 

"Cate, please let me touch you..."

"Are you that desperate? You'll get what you want." 

I threw my head back and let more moans escape from me. The city faded away to the background, and her musky scent hugged all of my senses so tightly I was euphoric. And then, as if she sensed that I was past the point of no return, she stood up quickly, took off her suit and the white blouse & bra underneath, revealing her luscious boobs and pressed them into my face. There was age written over them, but they were surprisingly firm given that she was nearing 50. 

"YESSSS, yesssss mommy..." I yelped as my fingertips finally made contact with her supple, toned body, wrapping my lips snugly around one of her nipples. She shoved two fingers into me, and their phallic hardness filled and stretched me from inside out. We were practically enmeshed with each other. Her right wrist possessed amazing power and stamina, and she amped her her speed while grazing my g-spot with no misses. 

It didn't take long until I erupted, all of my life force culminating at the tip of my clitoris and rushing around my vagina, making such violent contractions that spread from my pelvic floor to Cate's forearm. She let out a moan of pleasure as well. 

We then shared some tender kisses in the spot, me tasting myself on her lips and telling her how amazing it was. As our fierce connection began softening, she quickly pulled her layers of clothing back in place and restricted my access. 

"Please, it's my turn," I begged again.

"No, not today," her mood was turning melancholyicagain, and she became unreadable. 

"I want to make you cum too, please let me do it." 

She stepped away from me with a coldness, her hair still slightly tousled, but her entire posture closed off. "Let's get back to the hotel." 


"Did I do something wrong?" The first thing I asked after getting back to the hotel. 

"Nothing at all baby, you were so wonderful." She said wearily, her mind miles away. 

"Then what? Why won't you let me pleasure you?" Earlier scenes from tonight popped back into my head, and I was getting hurt again. 

"I just didn't feel like it, I'm sorry." 

"You said you loved me, Cate." 

"I do - and this has nothing to do with that." 

I knew I was treading into dangerous territory again, and our encounter opened up yet another pandora's box of messy emotions that drove my brain insane. For a record third time in a day, my usual rational self went out the window and I teared up and started crying. Yet again. 

"But I love you too, Cate, and I want you to know that you can tell me anything. I just don't know what I did, but you're acting so cold all of a sudden and I don't know anything..." 

She stood there and watched me cry for a good minute, doing nothing, saying nothing. How could she be so cruel? I felt a worthless, like I was no good for her, and that she's probably said and done the same thing to a dozen other girls. 

At last, she walked over to me, sat down next to me on the couch, and placed my head in her lap, holding me as I cried. My breathing gradually slowed down and my vision cleared. She gazed down at me, wiping away my tears and cradling my face. 

"I want to tell you how I got divorced." 

Please vote and comment if you like the story so far! Also feel free to DM me any suggestions. :) There's a 69% chance that I'll incorporate them. 

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