chapter 23: apple picking, the second try

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(I know I did y'all so dirty last chapter, here! 🥰)

The next morning you both woke up next to each other. You got a call from your mom, confused, and half asleep, you answered. "Hey.. Mom.. What's up? " you asked as you stretched and Wally looked at you curiously of what she could want at this hour, 8am. From what he could hear, your mom wanted you to go along with them to apple picking so they could sell them later on at the fair that was taking place in a few days. You hung up and smiled.

"Love-" you started and he smiled slightly. He knew your family didn't like him, or so seemingly. Someone definitely didn't anyway. He continued on. "You're going with your family right? What time? " he asked kissing your head softly. You laughed and shook your head. "No, we're going with my family! They said you are welcome as I invite you! And of course I would. " you said with a happy smile. Wally in response nodded. You fed the cat and kissed her head, then giving the same kiss to Wally and he smiled. Moving forward you stretched and got some jeans and shirt on. He got ready as well before looking at you.

"What time do they want us to be there? Maybe we could go out to breakfast? " he suggested with a warm smile. You blissfully agreed. Getting in the car and heading to the closest breakfast place you could stop at. You ordered (choose eggs/bacon, pancakes, or donuts!) Meanwhile Wally ordered waffles with some iced coffee. You ordered tea(or coffee if it's what you prefer) as you two talked happily, going back and fourth. Though Wally couldn't help but think about it. He turned to you, looking rather slightly nervous then happy. "Hey, sunshine, does.. Your family, like me? " he asked looking down at his food, eating it. You felt a bit bad and nodded, trying to defend both sides a bit. "Of course they do! They just need time I guess, you know, after the whole ex situation.. Speaking of, do you know whatever happened to him?" You asked looking a bit confused. Wally almost smiled but held it back. "Hmmm.. E/n? Right? I'm not sure.. Perhaps he moved or something, but if you insist they like me, I'll take your word for it. " he nodded as he finished up the last bit of his food.

You did still question if they did actually like him but you didn't say that, you eventually finished the food yourself and sat it down, cleaning up and leaving after paying the bill, and Wally left a $10 tip after your tip before joining up with you. You both played some music and jammed out to it. Soon enough though as afternoon hit, you pulled up to the apple picking location, and saw at first your mom and dad, then, you saw your grand parents as well, along with your sibling. They all greeted you happily, however your dad and grandmother sneered at Wally who had just gotten out of the car. Your mom picked up on this and coughed a bit.

"How about we start? Me, d/n(dads name), and grandma go for the green apples, and grandpa, s/n (sibling name) and you two go together for the red apples, Does that sound good? " they all agreed and everyone went to their sides. Your grandpa looked at Wally and his outfit. "You look like someone who does apple picking, or spends time out doors. " he padded Wally on the back with a smile and threw some that were hanging off a short tree in the basket that was sitting on the floor. Never the less you guys continued. Then your grandfather laughed again. "So, y/n, this young man treating you well? " he asked with a caring look, and you nodded. "Of course! He's amazing! " he nodded with approval and smiled. "I'm so glad for you, Wally my boy, treat them well got that? They the best you got. " he laughed and Wally nodded.

"Trust me sir, I know y/ns the best, just the most if that. They're everything to me... " Wally spoke in a soft, loving tone. In which your grandfather gave a simple nod and chuckled. "You're a good man. " and with that soon enough, apples were filling up the basket, you looked over in complete awe as your boyfriend seemed to be genuinely enjoying himself with this silly little activity, and so far you were happy for the fact your family could hang out with him just a little bit more. However with your moms side things weren't looking so good, your grandmother scoffed.

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