chapter 24: playing with time

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Wally woke up the next morning with his phone ringing he answered and let it ring for a few times before answering"....hello yes? " he started speaking into the phone with you sleeping right next to him.

a small smile on his face from what happened from the night before. there was a pause and over the phone was Julie. She was wondering if you guys wanted to join up to go to the arcade later today he sighed and thought for a little bit still very sleepy, he yawned "of course..why not Julie I'll meet you there eventually. what do you say it around like one? " he asked. Julie agreed and hung up then to tell Barnaby the news.

behind the phone nevertheless your boyfriend looked at you and woke you up softly " wake up sleepy head we have things to do" in response you groaned softly and rolled over. "what do we have to do? Literally it's the weekend for me personally" Wally laughed. "it's always the weekend for you technically, until well, Sally starts up them new musical isn't that in a few weeks. " you nodded your head as you ground and stretched in your bed before getting up.

Then you restated your question what you guys had to do "we have to..well Julia asked if we wanted to go to the arcade again like we did last time but instead a group of us not just me and you so..I agreed I hope that's ok. "you smiled softly and nodded "of course it is why wouldn't it be?" with that you stretch and he pushed you out of bed jokingly. you looked at him very confused " hey what was that for?" You sighed haistly with a small chuckle. Shortly he replied "well I got to wake you up some how I guess" he gave a soft laugh before going down stairs.

soon enough, after you got dressed and fixed yourself up you joined him. you've both had some toast for breakfast and a glass of (insert favorite drink.) Continuing on later in the day, you guys ended up watching the show "friends" from back in the day, which, of course, as you figured, Wally obviously very much enjoyed the show. you laughed together and talked about events that happened in the show.

soon enough you stretch to get up because it was getting around 12 PM. you both spent time with Annabelle, playing and toying around with her. it was kind of cute to still see him still so affectionate with the Cat you two had have picked up. you would have sworn he wanted the cat more than you, but you didn't mind that he was happy. Slowly, after about 20 minutes while he looked at you, "I think we should get going love. After all, we have to meet them up at around one" you nodded and quickly got changed out of your pajamas. Everything you would think that you needed you grabbed. Which wasn't very much.

you then hopped in the car and instantly while he had set up some old 70s music with you guys quietly listened to on the car ride there. You looked as if you were still processing to get up and he laughed. "are you really still sleepy?" you looked at him with a small smile. "Yeah, I guess last night you have took me by surprise haha" you joked, but still with a butterfly feeling roaming around your head. You did eventually go back to that thought of what happened last night of him proposing to you, you can actually believe that you two were considered to be engaged.

Your now fiance also looked a bit embarrassed, but kept on driving  you laughed softly as you saw his face then joked around even further "it's really funny that you're still flustered by it though considering your the one who proposed! " he smiled warmly. "yeah well it was easy considering the first time we literally got know but I'm glad they still stopped by they are our neighbors after all..." he admitted with a small nod. you agreed with him but chuckled softly as that was very much true if you knew he was going to propose the other night you probably would have turned them away. nevertheless you guys continued talking and making jokes back and forth about the whole situation that you were  more than thrilled that took place and happened. Finally, moving forward, you guys did end up going to the arcade, which it took you a good 45 minutes to get there with all the stops that Wally made along the way just for drinks or such.  Barnaby even ended up calling your geysers phone to check where you guys were and you had to explain to him about you had to stop for about 10 minutes because while he wanted to grab something the dog understood and nodded with a small chuckle "sounds like him..heh..anyhow, I'll see you guys soon, okay? " and with that the phone call ended.

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