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"Ok close your eyes I'm gonna hide no cheating "Historia said
"Ok"i said as i close my eyes
"One,two,three,four,five"i said hearing the sound of someone running in the background
"Six, seven, eight, nine, ten," I said before removing my hand from my eyes, the sun blinded me for a while before I decided to take a look around.

My first guess was to look behind the tree which was one of the only place someone could hide in
"Are you behind the tree"i said looking behind the tree to see no one

I walked around the house but saw no one, so I looked around.
But I couldn't find her no matter how hard I look
5min later
"Ok I give up where are you "i yelled out to see a blond hair pooping out of the yellow field.

"Your hair is so similar to the field around you"i said looking dumbfounded 'how did I not think of that while looking for her' I thought

"Now it my turn to hide you count to 10 in I'm going to hide somewhere around  here" i said while also noticing the kid are still unconscious on the floor 'not my problem'I though

"Ok"she said closing her eyes in starting to count to ten so I ran to the big tree in used air to push me up to the top the green leave hide me nicely

After she finished counting she started to look around first in the grass field in the around the small wall she looked a bit sad not being able to find me 'why did she get sad so suddenly those she think I left'I thought before saying"you got very close" she heard that in started to look around the tree in the branch in try to see what up there but she couldn't see me because I'm very good at hide in seek
"I know you up there"she said
"You can't see me so I'm still safe" i said
"But I can hear you up there "she said
"But can you see me tho"i reply
"I'm 100%sure that you up there"she said looking up
"You have 30secs to find me before I win"I said but then I looked down to see a small blond girl climbing the tree

"Wait hold up you for real climbing "i said looking down as 'if she go further she may fall'i thought
I jumped down"I don't want you to get hurt so please just get down slowly"i said getting ready if she fall

"Ok  I wi...."she try to say but lost her grip in started falling
I made a strong gust of wind under her which caught her  in made her land on the floor slowly without hurting her at all

"You ok"i said a bit worried
"I'm fine"she said with her head down
"Wait why are you looking down"i said tilting my head you the right
"What kind of friend am I to make you worry about me so much in so little time "she said looking down
"Hey it's fine If u you want I can teach to the basics of self defense in how to climb a tree as a bonus"i said (A/N she going to know a lot more in how to defend herself in the future)
"Really"she said excited
"Yes really"i said smiling
"When do we start"she said
"Probably tomorrow it's getting really late you should go home your mom must be worried sick about you"i said
"She probably is"she is said but her face tell me her mom probably doesn't give two fucks about her
"So meet me here tomorrow "i said
"Ok but where do you live then"she said curiously
"On a big cave in the forest outside the wall" i said shrugging
"Aren't you scared of the animal or maybe if a titans"she said worried

"I am fine so see ya tomorrow "i said walking away
"Bye you always welcome to come back"she said smiling

I jumped over the fence to see the kids from earlier still lying there unconscious in because I don't want them to trouble Historia any further I made a gust of wind push them off her family estate house .
After that I ran while boosting myself using air bending I was as fast as the wind in as silent as a feather.

30min later of flying and falling down.
I reached the cave that I established as my home ."I'm an engineer for god sake my house cannot stay like that"i said remembering all the time I help my mom with decorating in my dad with building stuff around the house.

A/N should I make a Historia pov like what she was doing before meeting Jack what she was thinking In such.Also should the chapters for this fanfic be 1k word long considering I will only post on Monday Wednesday in Friday

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