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Last time in i was reborn in attack on titan as a bender

"Sign it,"She said

"Why"I asked seeing the part that say 'The second you sign this you will be a soldier meaning you are disposable'

"Survey corp,Remember you were supposed to join today but because you wouldn't wake up i had to do it myself"She said sighing

"Sorry,i stayed up late,also when do we start"I said

"Im use to it by this point,but we start in about a month so please be ready on time"She said

"Im going to try,no promise"I answer

"Sometime you are very smart to the point that you can basically predict everything and then sometime you are like this,"She said

I just shrug at that before slowly going back to the bed

"You are not going to sleep again its noon"She said noticing me walking toward the beds

it was indeed noon,but i still went to bed,the girl tried her best to wake me up but i was not leaving dream land it was just to pretty

Now we continue where we left off

Time skip

"I'm not putting that on, this doesn't seem comfortable, "I said annoyed, I was looking at the uniform that I was supposed to put on for the next 3 years of my life.

"It's the uniform that we must wear so don't make this more difficult than it has to be, and wear the uniform," Mikasa said sighing

"Green is my least favorite color and last time I wore this uniform, it was very uncomfortable, I'm not willing to go through that again," I said remembering how the straps were tighter than they were supposed to be.

"Stop bitching about it and just put it on already,we are going to be late if you don't"Mikasa said with slight annoyance in her voice.

"What are the rule concerning about the dressing code" I said looking at the uniform still not wanting to put that monstrosity on.

"The clothes that you wear must have the symbol on the back and must be practical"She said reading the book that was near her.

"Fine,then I'm going to change but you better hurry and go there before me"I said taking the clothes out of the bed

"Why would i do that,when i know what kind of person you are"She reply

"Unless you want to see me in nothing more than boxer,then you more than welcome to stay"I said with a small smile on my face

She listened and left and i was going to put on the 'Uniform' before joining the cadets.

"The world will end before i put this on"I said taking out some of my normal clothes and some scissors,i also took out a small sewing needle.

"All i need is the sword symbol,"I said before getting to work

Time skip

There was a tall and intimidating man walking in front of people in uniform. His most noticeable feature was that he was bald, He had some prominent wrinkles on his forehead and dark circles around his eyes. He had a small beard growing from under his chin. He was wearing the standard instructor's uniform for the Training Corps.

He was looking at everyone one with a stern eye,his eye landed on one blond kid.

"Hey Mop Top" He said with his hands behind his back.

The blond boy seemed to tensed up a bit Before he turn his left hand into a fist and placed it on his chest as he put his right hand behind his back.

"Sir"The blond kid responded

"What do they call you maggots"The bald man said

"Armin Alert, From Shingashina sir,"The blond kid now known as Armin replied

"Wow seriously,what would your parents curse you with such a dumb name"The professor said before Armin replied"It was my grandfather sir"

"Cadet Arlet,Why is such a runt like you here"The teacher said lowering himself to Armin's height.

"I came here to help humanity overcome the titan"Armin said closing his eyes

"You are going to be a great light snack for the titans"The teacher said as he stop lowering himself to Armin's level.

He went around talking no yelling at the cadets but for some reason, he skipped some of them.

He even headbutted a kid that looked like a horse, a poor girl was caught eating a potatoes, she even offers to give him some but he made her run and she couldn't stop running until sunset, I pitied her.

He stopped infront of the kid that was standing out the most,his clothes were much different than everybody else,his clothes looked very modern in nature not something easily found in the wall, and unlike everybody else his skin color was a caramel-like color.

He stopped infront of the kid that was standing out the most,his clothes were much different than everybody else,his clothes looked very modern in nature not something easily found in the wall, and unlike everybody else his skin color was a carame...

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"Where is your uniform cadet,"the teacher/Commander said looking at the kid in front of him

"It is on me sir"The kid that was standing out said

"This is not the uniform given to the other cadet"The commander said looking at the boy

"I did some changes"The cadet said still with a serious look on his face

"And why did you do this cadet"The commander said yelling on the cadets face

"There was no rule against it sir,my clothes have the symbol and do not impede my movement just like the manual asked,"The cadet replied

The commander sighed heavily like he was expecting this to happen before he said"Why did you join the military cadet"

"To kill some titans"The cadet yelled out

The commander just looked at the cadet for a few more seconds before he walked away,and the cadet sighed with relief.

A/N I fell asleep and woke up late, I'm sorry for the short chapter

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