Take over

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Last time in I was reborn in attack on titan as a bender

"The only one"She answer
"Ah my brain, this is going to be such a pain, "I said as I held my head in my hand, this is ridiculous.

"Jack, you alright"Historia said looking at my current state
"I'm fine it just now that this is out, i will have to deal with so much politics and i may get blamed"I said as i can already see what will happen as soon as the higher up get the news. (A/N for anyone confuse on how he may get blamed even if he saved the day, remember they don't like him and I made that clear so everything will be used against him)

'Wait, I don't have to deal with their bullshit anymore, Historia is with me and not her dad, so the only leverage they had is gone and even if they tried to kidnap her, She is either with Mikasa or Ymir most of the time, plus she can defend herself'I thought to myself as a small smile crept itself into my face.

Now we continue where we left off

"Where is Mikasa," I said as I didn't see her anywhere, she is usually next to Historia.
"I don't know," Historia said a tiny bit clueless.
"Where was the last place you saw her," I said as I gently placed my hand on her shoulder.

"On top of the walls" Historia said after pondering for a bit.
"Thank you and Ymir before I go can you tell me how they call me outside the walls"I said as I shifted my attention from Ymir to Historia

"The Eldian devil"She answer bluntly
"Jack is not a devil, look at him," Historia said defending me, that just cute and it melted my hearth from a moment.

"Aw that's adorable," I said as I pinched her cheek.
"And wife beater," Ymir said suddenly
"That's enough, I don't want to hear anything else"I said ignoring what she just said, I never abused anyone in my life and that titles doesn't belong to my name.(A/N how much did they twist he life wait hold up... .)

"Anyway, I got to find Mikasa so peace, "I said as I kissed Historia and then flew away.
I flew to the top of the wall to see Mikasa with her scarf around her neck, looking down at where the Collosol  titan's body was a second ago.

I approached her and sat down next to her"Admiring the view" I said softly
She nodded her head but seem to have a lot of question and so I just said"I can see that you a lot of question, ask away"

She looked at me and just said"Why does this has to happen to you"
"I'm a pretty blunt person so I made a few enemies" I explained a bit.
"Jack can you promise me one thing"She said as she let her head fall into my shoulder.

"Sure" I answer
"Dont overwhelm yourself," She said looking at me
"Why you saying that all of a sudden," I asked a bit confused.
"promise"She said almost in tears
"I can do that" I answer with a small smile, I don't like seeing her sad. (A/N she know him better than anyone and she know what kind of person he is and she also know he tend to overwhelm himself that why she asked him to promise that for those who were confused.)

She fell asleep shortly after and i was left playing with her hair, while overlooking everything underneath.

I looked down on the other side of the wall and saw a bunch of Titans walking around looking for humans, some of them were small while some were pretty big but the thing they all had in common was how abnormal they all looked.

I looked at where I last saw the Collosol titan body and there was nothing there except for some burned grass, then something felt off, like way off.

As I was sitting down on the wall, I looked at the finger shaped mark that was left behind by the collisol titan in the wall.

For some reason the wall were giving me the same feeling the Collosol titan did, I frankly do not know why and why did I not feel this sooner but it's probably because I'm sitting on top of it right now.

Life was great after that, after a lot of question and not letting Levi torture them for info because I don't want to see the torture device ever be used again, it's is inhuman.(A/N are you ok)

The information we got revolve around the fact, that we were not in fact the last people on earth, which I knew already and wasn't much of reveal but the best thing I got from this was the history of Eldians.

Great stuff,  the fact that people still treat them like monster even after a 100 years of doing nothings is insane to me.

The idea of genocide did pop up in my head couple of times but I always refrain from doing it.
They reveal the curse of Ymir that make a titan shifter die 13 after getting the titan ability.

They were 9 shifter in total and each one  were special in their own unique way.
I also got another side to the story of Thorn, Some people calling themselves the Eldian restorationist and most adult Eldian have another story for Thorn.

But none of them actually paid attention to it because it contradict the idea that he was pure evil, so all I got is that they said he was kind and nothing else.(A/N by they he mean Reiner, Annie, Berthold.)

I learned of the wars and how Marley's military work, I also learned that the holder of the beast titan has special ability no other beast titan has, I hope to meet him soon. (A/N you probably will)

Now that I got this History lesson done with, It's time to deal with the nobles because I don't think I can go any further without any of them fucking it up for me, and that's why I am right now standing in the middle of a court, with all the nobles and the king himself. (A/N transition)

Weirdly enough Historia dad wasn't there.

"Why should we trust them," A random person from the stand said
"I mean you killed your brother for money and the people still trust you," I said looking at the man
He froze at the mention of his brother's death and started sweating profusely.

"Why don't we transfer their power to people that are more trust worthy" Another person said
"Let me guess someone that  serve under you"I answer looking at him with a bored expression.

"Show respect to your elders," Another man said
"Coming from the dude that killed his dad, that rich" I answer looking at him.
He froze and turned blue, I on the other hand had a smile on my face, I have dirt on everybody here.

"What you proof"He yelled out
I took a piece of paper and open it,"This is the contract you signed to kill your father right"I said showing it to him, he couldn't deny it because it was his handwriting and by the look on my face he could tell that I had witnesses.

"So all I want from you, your majesty is to get your fat ass out of the throne," I said looking at the king
"And why would I do that"He answer looking at me.
"Because I have so much more dirt on you than everybody else in this room combine"I said with small smile on my face.

"Are you blackmailing the king"He said sounding enraged
"take it as you like but yeah you leaving"I said with a nonchalant expression on my face
The amount of things a criminal is willing to say to save their life is ginormous.(A/N he went to underground didn't he)

"Trying to take control of the government is a crime, punishable by death"One of them yelled at me.

"just like using the people money for your own selfish desire or owning slaves but you guys still do it"I said starting to look bored. (A/N dam)

This caused the court to go silent and I just patiently waited while looking at my watches from time to time.

"Can you guys hurry up, I got better stuff to do"I said seeing that it was almost 5:30 pm.
The look on their faces as they realize that they we're corner was just priceless, I even had time to take a pic with my camera, this picture will always have a special place in my house.

"Guards take him out, he trying to take a over that is a crime"They yelled out when they realize they had nothing else to say to trap me.

What happened next was purely self defence, I got hit once and then everybody else in the room got turned into a vegetable, they will no longer to move for the rest of their miserable, pathetic life. (A/N that was plan wasnt it)

I looked at the king that now looked more like a coward more than like a king, he looked into my eyes before he gave up. (A/N wait who will be king of the wall when the king give up)

A/N if you ask why is he doing this, it's because the government is corrupt and they might accept bribes to fuck up his plans, he is not willing to take that risk.

Reborn in attack on Titan as a benderWhere stories live. Discover now