Who Are You

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I went outside the cave while they was still some day light left "time to make some stone tools their better than nothing"i said out load while walking,I found some pretty sturdy stick on the floor which I pick up I also look for some rocks that I can use for later purposes while I pick up stick I made my wind pick up the heavy rocks that I couldn't handle myself. I continue walking further in further away from the cave to see if I can find anything in saw a bunch grass with upright tillers. The leaves were rolled in the whorl. The Leaf blades were very smooth  especially near the base and rough near tip on the upper side. The Lower side is entirely smooth.

"Is that a wheat field guess my food problem are a bit fixed for now"i said picking a lot of wheat with me.

After taking as much that I can pick, I decided to walk back home.

I got back to the cave in put down all the stuff I had in a corner in took out some rocks in stick in went outside.

I started to shape the rock while hitting it with another rock (A/N I'm really sorry if that confuse that wasn't my goal my English is not that good)till it had the shape of the tip of an arrow.

So now that practice is over time to do it for real.while I was crafting stone tools to make stuff easier for me I looked up in saw a man with dark hair he had green eyes that looked dead inside he was was wearing modern clothes...'who is he'I though while acting like I didn't see him but after a while he vanished.

'I'm glad I did that third wish I really don't like getting spied on'I though while continuing to build my stuff by the time it was night time I had all the tool I need to make this cave comfy enough to live in.
"It nigh time which mean most titan are asleep in out of energy I should probably go hunt"i said while taking my arrows yes there no bow because I didn't have any strings to make one in I can't just pull it out my ass.

I went on the hunt. I use air to push me very high up in then use it again to push me close to a tree which I stood on in looked around to see more because the higher up the farther you will be able to see because there will be less thing blocking your sight.

I decided to jump from tree to tree using air hopping that how I call it now which is basically air aiding me in doing stuff I wouldn't be able to do without it.

10minutes later
I saw a deer in considering they can see me when I'm 20feet away from them in they can here me up to 900feet to 1200feet away if I make the slightest noice (A/N I got this straight from google so if something wrong take it to google) so I decided to get around 300feet close which is roughly the size of a football stadium.I used air to be as silent as possible took out my arrow in formed an air bow with it,I pull on the air strings in I closed one eyes I breath in hold my breath in infuse the air on my arrow to see what would be the result.I just imagine it was me in the deer in the world in let go of the strings.

The arrow went flying creating a small sonic boom destroyed the head of the deer on impact.i breathed out.
I was happy on how my experimentation with my power turns out but I got the same feeling of getting watched again.

I got out of the tree in rushed toward the dead body of the deer.i got there in looked at the deer that had no head with a bloody neck on the floor,
I picked it up on my shoulder in ran 'back home with it if you even can call it that now'I though

I got home pretty fast I put the deer down in I took out my stone knife focused the air around the blade of the knife making a tiny layer of air around it for that extra protection in sharpness.

In then i stab the deer in the gut in slice through his belly in started to gut the deer removing all the bad shit in it literally.

30min later
If you look closely you see a a bloody kid stabbing into a deer in skinning the deer .
"There two way from to make that coat I'm gonna go with the letting-out technique "i said(A/N The letting-out process involves slicing a skin into narrow diagonal strips and then sewing them together to form a longer and narrower strip that will run the full length of a coat. This is basically what he finna do to the deer body)

I decided to start a fire in put the deer over in while slowly turning him making sure the deer meat doesn't over cook it.

4hour later the food was done but I wasn't finished  with the deer fur because I want to be ready for when it eventually snow.

I smelled myself in stink so much it made close my nose with my hand so I ate my food (deer meat he roasted)in ran to the river I found on day one.

I removed my clothes put them on the side in jump in the water swimming in basically taking a bath I don't have soap so this is technically not a bath but I scrub myself in making sure to do my best to not be dirty I also watched my only set of clothes by drying them super fast using my powers it very Neet in convenient to have air at your service.

When I was done with that I went back on the cave in went to sleep.tomorrow gonna be better I hope falling asleep on the rock bed I made.

A/N should I turn the novel that I'm writing into a fanfic because it was supposed to be one in the first place .also 1k words

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