Chapter 4- Here's to her

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The boys into the café cheering. Améile smiled brightly as the boys lifted her up. "Vive La France. Vive La Améile. Vive La Barricade." They chanted around the café. Combeferre spoke to the distracted Courfeyrac, who just smiled at Améile. Eponine pushed through the crowd. "Did he hurt you? Are you okay?" Eponine checked Améile's hands and turned her head to inspect it. "I'm fine Ponine stop worrying!' she laughed. Eponine pulled her into a hug. "Don't ever suggest an amazing plan again!" she sighed. "I promise Ponine." She laughed. They pulled away as Marius came over. Eponine looked at him in admiration. Marius hugged the both of them. "Nice work!" Grantaire ran to her and lifted her up. "You were brilliant, lil' sis." He held her tight. Courfeyrac felt a pang of jealousy. "Thanks for helping me." She said as he put her down. Enjolras walked over to them, putting a hand on Grantaire's shoulder. Grantaire's heart thumped so loudly and he suddenly became very nervous. The smallest gesture from Enjolras made him yearn for more. Améile winked at him making him blush. "Good job today! We soon will move onto the next step, but rest for now my friends. We meet here tomorrow night."

"You deserve this." Grantaire handed Améile a bottle of brandy. "Emm... I don't think so!" Eponine took the bottle from Améile's hands. "Come on Ponine lighten up she deserves it." Marius said giving the bottle back and taking a drink from his. "Here! You deserve this as well." He handed the bottle to Eponine, she smiled and took a some. They all sat around the table and drank, sang and drank some more. "I think I'll head home and make sure Gavourache is there." Améile said getting up from the table. "Be careful. I'll be home soon." Eponine said giggling slightly. "Yeah and don't forget tomorrow. If you think of any new brilliant plans tell us immediately." Enjolras said waving goodbye. She walked down the steps and out the door into the cold night. "May I walk you home Madame." Courfeyrac said behind her. "That would be nice." Améile said spinning around. She linked her arm with his. They took the long route home, talking and laughing. They both were a bit tipsy. They arrived to the front of Améile's apartment. "Améile you know when you asked me if I was okay?" Courfeyrac said looking down at his feet.

"Couf? What's the matter?" she asked looking at him. "It's you... Ever since I met you I haven't been able to think of anything else. I just get all nervous and I find it hard to speak... Améile, I love you." Courfeyrac looked up to see a puzzled expression spreading across Améile's face. He slowly edged towards her, stopping near her face, making sure that's what she wanted. She titled her face towards his with the aid of his gentle fingers, his stomach filled with butterflies as she closed the gap between them. His soft lips brushed against hers, a new warmth ran through her body. She reached to the back of his head and pulled him in closer so they lips met. She felt his arms wrap around her waist pulling her closer. She pulled away slightly, leaning her head against his. "I love you too." She whispered. He pulled her back in for one last kiss. He pulled away. "Goodnight." He whispered. "Goodnight Couf." She kissed him on the cheek and walked inside. Taking her time closing the door.

She ran to the window to see him disappear down the street. "Are you okay?" a sleepy Gavourache emerged from his room. "Oh course Gav. Time for bed." She picked him up into his arms. "Love you Ama." He whispered, half asleep. "Love you to Gav." She rested him onto the mattress which was his bed and pulled the thin sheets over him. She then got ready herself and for the first time in a long time she slept well, dreaming of Courfeyrac.


Améile ran down the streets to the familiar little house and knocked twice. The familiar curly haired boy emerged, with his shirt unbuttoned. "Good morning Grantaire!" she said happily. "Good morning Madame, would you like to come in?" he stood to the side to let her in. "To what do I owe the pleasure and why so early.?" He said buttoning his shirt. She turned to him. He towered over her. "You were right! I just feel amazing." She twirled, her green dress flowing. "I'm always right, but sometimes I don't know why. Do you care to explain why I'm such a genius?" he sat across from her. "Courfeyrac, last night he walked me home and...." Grantaire laughed. "I told you... You love him too... Don't you?" he raised an eyebrow. "I think so!" she giggled, blushing slightly. "Would you like some tea?" he asked getting up. "Yes please." They spent the rest of the day drinking tea and talking until the evening, when suddenly there came a loud knock on the door. They both stood up. "Stay here." He whispered.

The paranoia that the police might come for them were getting to their heads. "Grantaire what if..." the knock cut her off. Grantaire walked to the door and opened it slowly, it was Combeferre. "Emergency meeting at the café NOW!" Before Grantaire could say anything he had already ran off. "We should go." Grantaire grabbed his coat and they ran after him.

They arrived at the café where the students looked around with confused expressions. Courfeyrac spotted Améile and smiled at her. She smiled back but suddenly Gavourache burst through the top of the stairs. Courfeyrac ran over to him with Améile, Enjolras and Marius. "What's the matter?" Enjolras asked. The room was quiet. "General Lamarque is dead!"

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