Chapter 47

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Passion's P.O.V

My forest eyes open to an infinite blur.

The first things I feel is the ache in my neck, my smooth limbs, my restored irises and the pulse in my wrists. Everything hurts to the core.

My first worries are my friends, my neck, the three dangerous Time Changers I miraculously resurrected from the dead, my ordeal, my sentence and my punishment.

If She, Time, or Nanna finds out about this, I will no longer be their favorite daughter and She, Time, will have me punished.

A groan escapes me as the ache in my cranium worsens. I attempt to look around, searching for something, rather, searching for someone who swore to be the protector of my fate. But they're nowhere in sight.

During the search, I spot moving figures and circular shaped blurbs. Colours waltz and dance to their swarming tunes around me. Twirl and turn around me.
But how can they be dancing when I'm layed in a convulsing position like a dead flea? How can they be twirling without me?
Like I cannot be seen?

I turn to lie on my back and my neck audibly snaps.

Adrienne immediately flashes to mind.

That evil, evil hunter.

If only I knew why he needed my powers so much, this entire situation wouldn't be as hard as it is. It wouldn't be so life threatening and hair raising as it is to me.

The logic that my friends are dragged into this like dirty rugs, wounds me, severely.

I should've answered my brother's calls and read his texts when he tried to reach me. I feel like a plonker, nitwit when time and time again bombshells explode right in front of me.
If I had answered Charles' calls, I would've been more alert and prepared. I would've been able to protect my friends.

Weak and exasperated, words seem like a challenge escaping my stiff lips.
Numbly, I massage the muscle strain on my chest to find wetness. Cold moisture. I'm sweaty, I'm itchy and I don't like it. The little bed I'm layed in like a daft sausage is making my moisturised organ itch.

I reckon I was splashed with water when I was still stuck with Adrienne in Jules' past dream. I wonder how long I've been out for.

I wonder where Jules is...

My strained orbs blink to find the clarity and gather the information of my whereabouts, but all I see is blur. Anew.

I blink, and I see blur once more.

When I blink for a third my whereabouts hesitantly solidify.

My body isn't numb anymore, or absent to my soul. I'm starting to feel every part of my body, piece by piece.

My fingers, my arms, my legs and my naked toes. My mind wonders why they're naked?
I had my freshly, coal painted toes dressed with woven midnight Cervelt socks and darling coal Mary Jane's. Designer fabrics worth more than Sammy's piggy pink coffee business and her mother's ceramic braces.
If anything and I mean anything happens to my precious babies, the person behind their disappearance will immediately be added to my "To Be Killed List".

I stole dosh just for those precious duds from Charles' and I's yearly savings for heaven's sake. I can't afford to lose them.

I recall when Charles saw me in the future, stealing from our account, then changed the bank pin only after I've stolen the money 'cause he loves me.

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