Chapter 48

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Jules' P.O.V

The nurse and I jump when the oak doors fly open, and each one thrusts into the brick walls with a loud crack.

"Goodness me!" shrieks Nurse Andy. She hoists from her desk with her wrinkly hand to her chest and huffs at the barefooted girl standing at the doorway.

"Why weren't you there when I woke?"

It's Passion. Deadly causing destruction wherever she goes and unapologetically leaving it as it is. Her lost voice is laced with venom and agony, her freckled cheeks are wet with heart aching tears.

I run to wrap her in my arms before that same venom wakes from its sleep and explodes like it did in the cafeteria once more. I hug her so tight because I missed her essence...because I finally feel relief washing over my worry as I relish in her presence.

I hug her because... because I simply love her.

"Why weren't you there?" she repeats, while whimpering against my sweater, "Why?" she whines.

"The paramedics sent me out - they sent all of us out. I'm so sorry," I murmur.

Her body trembles in my arms and her clench on my chest crack my ribs open, pulling my beating heart right out of it.

As she hurts, I wound. For it wounds to see the one I cherish weep before my eyes. I've grown used to different traits of Passion. Rude Passion but sharing Passion. Dramatic, sarcastic yet authentic Passion. Bossy Passion and lastly, supernatural Passion. But this...

This is another side of her I've never seen before and one I refuse to get used to... heavy-hearted Passion.

I hear her click her tongue and poke my chest. She still hasn't accepted my embrace yet, her arms are weak and adamantly hanging on her sides. "You were the first person I wanted to see," she scolds, "The only person I wanted to see."

My eyes widen. I was the only person she wanted to see? I, Jules Hawk?

I pull away to hold her face in my hands.
"Why? Why is that?"

When her cupid bow lips pout, an image of a dainty four year old, birthday princess invades my mind.

"Because..." she weakly says, then her next words wander off and she grimaces at her tone. I do too. Her voice sounds terrible.

"...because you are the only person I see," she blurts.

My upper lip twitches and she busts her chin out after swallowing hard.

"Yes, fuck, I said it. Jules, no one else matters to me or hits a nerve in my cells the way that you do. How can I not lose my mind when I can't find you? Of course I'll lose my mind, you nitwit! I've already lost half of it to your residence. If you want me to keep losing bits and pieces of my mind till I don't have any pieces left to lose anymore, perish into the air when I need you most and I'll reunite you with your ancestors."

The heart she ripped out of my chest melts in her hands and I fail to stifle my chuckle in disbelief. That, unfortunately, triggers another of her nerves.

"You think this is funny?" she gasps.

I shake my head and kiss her tears away. "No."

She cocks her head to the side.

"Okay. I do. And I'm sorry for thinking that it is but listening to British people speak quickly is hilarious. Especially you," I guffaw.

Passion sourly frowns and water pools in the depth of her green eyes.

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