Open wounds

398 9 26

Nothing to say! Let's get straight into it!

•past trauma
•past neglect
•panic attack


Tommy sat down with the rest of his 'family' and tried to keep calm, while his throbbing wrist tried to make him cry. Wilbur noticed his discomfort and looked at him sideways worrily.

"Hey you okay, Tommy?" The brown haired boy scooted closer to the younger blonde.

The rest of the family's attention went onto Tommy and Phil looked a little worried. Techno just raised his brow, a sense of concern on his face. Tommy felt scared and embarrassed with all the eyes on him.

"Just peachy" Tommy's face was neutral, then covering his mouth quickly

'Why'd I say that?!' Tommy thought

"Oh okay! That's good!" Wilbur smiled and focused back on the screen infront of them all

Phil kept on looking at Tommy and Tommy pretended not to notice. Techno turned around and also looked at the screen. Phil seemed to be trying to figure out a puzzle by looking at Tommy.

"Hey Tommy is there anything wrong?" Phil asked out of nowhere, concern written all on his face

Tommy was shocked and frozen, he kinda wanted to tell Phil everything. He felt Wilbur was close to him somehow and Phil was too. Tommy opened his mouth to speak, but closed it quickly.

'He's just trying to earn your trust..' he thought 'like all the others..' he looked at Phil having a cover up smile on his face

"N-no! I'm fine w-why do you say?" Tommy nervously says making his smile look cheery, the talking from the tv was faint and it didn't block out his voice which made him disappointed.

Tommy looked to the side and tried to stop this conversation by focusing on the changing color of the tv.

"I dunno...." he paused kinda thinking "Hey guys I have an idea!" Phil's frown quickly turned into a bright smile , Phil looked at everyone. The light from the tv shined on his face making shadows behind.

"What's up?" Techno perked up, starting at Phil, he looked pretty much bored. He yawed and crossed his legs slowly.

"What is it?" Wilbur replied looking up aswell, he looked as happy as ever.

"We are going to go to town for the carnival! And we'll have to shop afterwards..." Phil smiled, he trailed off quietly at the last bit. Then looked at everyone for their responses, hoping something exciting

Tommy's face went pale and an anxiety wave splashed over. He looked down at his hands and they were shaking. He started panicking and his breath got heavier. Tommy questioned if this was real or not.

"THATS AMAZING WHEN?" Wilbur almost yelled and he smiled a lot, he jumped up. Obviously very excited, his British accent was washed over with the loud yelling.

"Tomorrow so be ready, and I think we should go to bed right about now" Phil chuckled and slowly got up, he walked over and bent down a little to turn the tv off. The light that once shone was blinked away in a instant.

"Hm, sounds cool Phil, g'night guys" techno waved and got up from his seat then walked down a dark hall, you could hear the shuffling of his feet til he reached his door.

"Well good night Wil and Tommy!" He paused for a moment still happy "Tommy, I'm glad I picked you you're such a sweet boy" Phil smiled and walked over to pat Wils head. Tommy gulped down his spit, trying to calm his nerves. Wilbur huffed a little but laughed after, then Phil walked down the same hall, he had less loud feet as techno.

Tommy waited for a moment still panicking in his seat. It was just Wilbur and Tommy, and Tommy was having a panic attack. Tommy shut his eyes tightly trying to make everything disappear, but it did not work.

"I-I'll go t-to b-bed, good n-night Wilbur.." Tommy wanted to get out of there fast, so he stood up and started to power walk up the stairs.

A hand touched Tommy's shoulder just as he got to the first step, Tommy jumped and turned around to see Wilbur looking at him smiling. Tommy started to panic more, he felt his lungs gets heavier like his breathing.

"Want me to walk you to your room?" Wilbur offered generously, smiling sweetly. He stood on the first step, and he was really tall.

"I-" Tommy almost rejected him, but he thought about the logic. If he would rejected him, Wilbur would think something's wrong and then would think he's weird. Then the abuse cycle would start again, he wants to start the abuse cycle as late as possible. Tommy sighed and looked at Wilbur smiling brightly, fake of course, Tommy learn how to make it believable tho.

Tommy calmed his breathing and his panic attack slowed down. He seemed to still have a bit of heavy breathing.

"Okay thanks so much!" Tommy acted out and Wilbur said a 'yay' in response

They started they're long, awkward walk to the room where Tommy sleeps and Wilbur striked a uncomfortable question for Tommy. Tommy didn't look at him, just the ground below

"Hey I know something's wrong, I read your emotions and face?" Wilbur looked at tommy and patted his shoulder "don't have to tell me" he chuckled

Tommy screamed all his problems in his mind and hoped Wilbur would've heard it. But Wilbur couldn't, he would go through so much pain again and he only wished he could trust no one would hurt him. Tommy sighed again and kept looking down

"Nothing w-wrong I'm just a lil nervous, that's a-all" Tommy pretty much convinced Wilbur, so he nodded in response. But Wilbur had that gut feeling, that he ignored.

Wilbur stayed silent until he reached Tommy's room and Wilbur smiled and looked at Tommy.  He kept looking down, then he reached for the door knob and opened we it slowly. Tommy looked up for a second and waved at Wilbur having a smile on his face. He wished it was real.

"Sleep well Tommy!" Wilbur smiled, waved and ran off into the hall, looking back a couple times

Tommy closed the door and sighed and fell to the floor slowly and swiped his hair up in stress. He stood in that position for a couple seconds before he stood up to turn the lights off. Tommy flopped on his new bed, it was huge.

Tommy thought about everything and even to this day. He covered his face, tired of stress, abuse, lying, and many more. He didn't want no more if it, but sadly he can't control it . It comes and it comes. Tommy started tearing up, then almost letting the tears out.

Tommy closed his eyes and eventually fell sleep with the sad thoughts of abuse filled his head.

The end
Hope you enjoyed
Poor Tommy ;-;

Stay safe stay hydrated

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