Hurt by history

401 8 13

Heya! Hope you enjoy
Long chapter this time ^^

•talk of abuse
•talk of self harm
•grammar errors


Tommy's eyes were dark and asleeep, until a large bang woke him quickly. Tommy jumped up and was awake now, he looked on edge and scared. He looked over slowly to see his door open and Wilbur standing over him, he was smiling brightly.

Tommy found it very creepy and screamed, sweat dripped down his face. He covered his mouth quickly trying to make himself calm down.

Wilbur's smile faded into concern, he waved his hands around, and tried to explain in a quick manner. That making his words all jumbled and confusing.

"Imsosoryijustwantedtowakeyouupididntmeantoscareyoucanyoupleaseforgivemeahhhhimsosoreyididntmeantooooahhhhohmannnidodeeplyapologize-" Wilbur ranted, Tommy looked at him like he was the weirdest person in earth, he mentally laughed at how Wilbur was right now.

"W-...uh- what are you saying..?" For the first time his tone didn't sound scared or nervous, it came out clean. He sounded confused, and looked confused.

Wilbur stoped and chuckled nervously "okay, I'll say it more slower haha! Sorry! And sorry for scaring you I didn't mean to! Ahh!" Wilbur looked down

Tommy let out a small laugh without realizing and smiled. "It's okay! Don't worry about it-" he smiled brightly.

"Oh that's good!....Well I'm wanted to wake you for the carnival today! So I brought you clothes"

Realization hit Tommy like a sack of bricks, and Tommy tried not to make whimpering noises. He out of nowhere became uncontrollably scared.

Wilbur handed him a white paper bag, and had a small smile oh his face. Tommy gulped and slowly took the bag, nervous about the contents inside.

Wilbur's brown curly hair on the top of his forehead bounced as he jumped up cheering excitedly. He exclaimed many cheers as he slowly backed towards the door, he waved as he walked off.

When he walked away Tommy fell to the floor making a thump noise follow. He clenched his chest tightly and breathed hard, he is face had a big widened eyes, he looked panicked to say.

"Shit shit shit!" Tommy cried out quietly to himself. He looked around, then tried to get up calmly, it worked barely.

The overthinking took over his brain and he couldn't stop panicking. Tommy thought of all the worst case scenarios that could happen. It only made things worse for him. He stood up quickly and wobbly, he tore open the white bag.

It had a cute little red and white shirt, and denim blue jeans. Tommy's fear stopped for only a second as he examined the clothing. The clothing looked very nice, he kinda smiled. All the panic suddenly vanished, oddly.

Tommy carefully put the clothes on and got nervous of any holes or cut outs that they might off added on. As he put the rest of his clothes on as he looked in the mirror.

All the nervousness he felt before melted away into anxiousness, because of the carnival he was about to go to. He felt kinda happy of his appearance for the first time in a while, he was always told he looked ugly and hideous, which he believes.

Tommy quickly spined around in the mirror to make sure they didn't put any revealing stuff on his outfit. To his surprise it didn't have a single thing that would make him uncomfortable. Tommy teared up and smiled, he felt that he could trust them a bit, he was being to cold and mean wasn't he..?

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