ooh~ Newbies.

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Let me just give some tips:

Italic- represents, charecters that are not main focus, or character thoughts

Bold- if there is Italic used to represent a charecter already, and I need to make two charecters think at once I will use bold(for one of them). Ofc bold is also for loud shouting or announcing. I will also use it for onomatopoeias

Underline- I have no clue.. probally ro add urgency or smth..

I'll try to give chatecters specific speech defrenciation, but I'm not all that good at it since variaty is difficult.

Ok ty

Chapter 1

BOOM- the first bomb went off at 12:00.

"What do we know about the bombing?"

A deep voice asked, suited for a government agency's second in command. Loud heels in pairs of two cracked through the dim- lit hall ilumantaed by lamps hung on the walls ( two of which were light and the other two heavy)

-"uhh, well! What we know so far is that... the bombs are placed in a pattern!.. and... and......."

A light voice stuttered. It was that of a young miss. Not long after was it followed by a sigh. The heavy steps stoped abruptly and the lighter once did so too, creating an un harmonious sound.

"Your a new intern.. yes?"

The intern was silent before processing and delivering a response.

-" y- yes! Uh, yes sir!"

" hmm.. you clearly are not prepared for this job. It's either you get better or leave. And trust me, if you cant get better now. You won't get a chance in the future... is that clear?"

The stern voice stated, in a 'matter of fact' tone. Spoken like a leader, that's what they say.

-"yes, sir."

She responded, tilting her head to the ground, squeezing her clipboard with the half- gave Information. Eyes hidden behind the glasses she earned for the countless times she stressed her sockets on the paper work.

" good, Continue... properly, Mind you."

He didint look back at who he was scolding once, and began walking again.

-".. the bombs are patterned, and... they each have a specific detonation time, that correlates with eachother. But... but this one is strange, the pattern I mean- "

" what's so strange pray tell"

-" we- well, the agents that were trusted with that mission died in that explosion... and.. although their gear detected the presence of the bomb... they couldn't detect the location. That is completely new, especially since we dont know how it happened in the first place.. sir"

"What does that have to do about the pattern."

-" we- well i- it.. we have reason to believe that because of the pattern.. the bombs are almost impossible to find with the current tech we have.."

" did you say believe young miss? Why dont you know?"

-" well, sir- I.. its..... it's hard to know 100% has caused this.. and-"

"Do you know what we are?"

-"yes... yes sir.."

" oh, really what are we then?"

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