Chapter 55- Call.

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There was no way ,no way no freaking way that she had the nerve to stand in my golden room, in my building.

" I don't want your money" I suddenly said without even knowing that I would say it.

Perrie opened her mouth like she was offended, but then she used it to laugh.

" Oh comon love, we both know that you need it" She smiled and looked at Sophia who looked rather uncomfortable. She looked at me and I told her gently to leave the room. This was just between me and Perrie.

Sophia hurried outside and closed the door behind her.

" What do you want?" I asked and crossed my hands.

" I was thinking about a white dress, very close up to the middle but..." I cut Perrie off by whispering "jesus"

" That is what you meant, right?" Perrie had her grin on as she looked into the big mirror that was infront of her.

" I want Zayn's mouth to drop when he sees me in the dress, or no, I want him to want to rip it off me and...." She turned around to look at me.

" I have no interest in making you a dress" I said as I tried to ignore the image of Zayn looking at her with stars in his eyes as she walked down the aisle in my dress.

" I'm not stupid Tara" Suddenly the confident smile came off her lips and she looked mad. I was taken a back a little when she spoke so harsh to me after been laughing in my face.

She walked of the golden platform but stopped when only my desk separated us.

" I knew that you were sleeping with him, he didn't hide it very well" She lifted her eyebrow as she let go of the words that made me shiver. She knew?

" I knew it was Zayn in the bed right before Louis. I woke up to an empty bed and I saw Louis walk into your bedroom that morning. When I opened the door I saw Zayn's t-shirt on the floor and I smelled his cologne in the air..."

" Wait what ?" Finally I could speak but my mind was spinning. " Why did you tell Elenour that Louis was cheating on him then?" I was confused after hearing her or even seeing her. Why wasn't anyone that could help me?

" Ugh that" She left out an annoying sigh and flipped her hair. " Louis gets in my nerves and I needed him out of my way when I was on tour with you"

That little sneaky bitch. I felt like jumping over the desk and wrap my fingers around her little neck and squeeze. I wanted to do so many nasty things that I felt like throwing up. How could she ?

" I can not believe you did that, do you know how many months Louis tried to convince her to take him back? The whole tour got ruined for him, he was miserable ! " I shouted the last word because I remembered seeing tweets and pictures of Louis on tour. He didn't look good and didn't seem to have much fun like Harry, Niall and Liam.

" Well, game succeeded" She smiled again.

" No way I am doing your dress, get the hell out of here right now" I put my hands on my desk and leaned towards her. Perrie looked surprised at first but than she did the same thing.

" I will tell everyone that this Molly girl was not the only one who broke the contract and I will take you and Zayn both down and you will lose everything you have, you want that huh?"

She looked so deep into my eyes like she was about to attack. But she already did. I almost couldn't breath. She could try to take me down and I knew that she would succeed but Zayn? I would never allow her to even lay hands on him if it was up to me. In this case it was in my hands and I wasn't going to let her.

" I will send someone in to measure you" I felt like I lost a whole battle by saying this. She smiled and turned around, taking her jacket of and throwing it at me.

" And remember, I want YOU to make the dress" She said and gave me one of her fake smiles.

I squeezed her leather jacket as I walked out of the room. Sophia was standing outside biting her nails as she saw me.

" What just happened in there?" She asked nervous. She knew that something was not right.

" Please call Carrie and tell her to measure Perrie and send it to my office, cancel all plans for me the next four days...." Sophia stopped walking. I turned around to look at her.

" I had no idea" She looked sorry as she looked at me. She probably heard something from our conversation because she looked like she knew about Zayn. " I am so sorry, I really am"

" Of course you didn't know, you don't have to worry about this love" I smiled a weak smile. I didn't have the energy or the will do make it meaningful.

" Now call Carrie, I'll be in my office" I was about to walk away when I noticed that I still had Perrie's jacket.

" Can you take the jacket for me, I don't-" I turned around and saw that Sophia was already gone. Damn it, I thought. Now I had to walk with it back into the room. I took a deep breath as I heard a beep coming from the jacket.

I hurried into my office and closed the door behind me. I took her phone out of the jacket and tried to open her phone. Are you kidding me? Her phone got unlocked after only one try. 1,2,3,4 was way to obvious.

I sat down when I found my knees and hands shaking as I went into contacts and found Zayn under Zayn Malik.


Every beep made my heart bumping faster and I felt so nervous and excited and desperate at the same time.

" Please pick up, please please" I begged as he didn't seem to answer.

The phone kept ringing and one more beep and I would get his voice mail...

Would he answer?

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