Chapter 24- Listen

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As we walked in silence on the beach, I couldn't help but wonder if Harry felt a little outside the group. I took my eyes of my toes and looked up at Harry who was looking focused on the sand.

" Something special you wanted to talk about?" I finally asked after five minuets of trying to get that out. Why did he drag me out if he wasn't even going to speak.

" It's rather nice just to have somebodies company with or without talking, you understand me?" He looked at me and the focused eye look he had changed to a playful smile.

" Yes I think I do" I said, kinda surprised how good his words sounded. I thought this was my sign to shut up but Harry looked like he wanted to talk. He kept opening his mouth but closing it before anything came out. Finally he managed to ask a question.

" How is your aunt?" 

I froze in my steps as he finished the sentence. I hadn't heard from her the whole trip. I didn't have time or maybe I just didn't want to speak with her. I found in my heart that I missed her deeply but still I was mad at her for not believing in me and sending me away my friends.

" Oh I'm sorry, wrong question?" I could see that he felt guilty when he ran his fingers through his hair and avoiding to look in my eyes for few seconds.

" No it's just..." I stopped talking. I had million thoughts in my head at the moment and memories started flashing by.

" I'm not sure I want to know how she is really" I admitted finally. 

" Come" Harry said and started walking towards the beach bar. I followed him inside after two minuets walk and sat down on a white wooden chair next to Harry.

" Latte for me, what about you?" Harry asked as he took up his wallet.

" Could I have a tea? Some fruit tea?" 

Harry stood up and nodded his head before walking to the bar. I turned my head to see him talking to the bartender who walked to the coffee machine.

I got comfortable in the seat, admiring the view I had through the big window. How the moonlight was high upon the dark sky and so bright made my mind go blank. I could stare at it forever.

" Here you go" Harry interrupted my thoughts as he handed me a big cup full of red water. I couldn't help it but smell the delicious fruits and berry's.

" Thank you" I answered before placing it in my hands.

" So, your aunt..." Harry took a sip of his Coffee and looked at me. " You wanna talk about it?" 

I looked down and smiled. " Nah, it's nothing special really" I was quick to answer before I would say anything stupid.

" Well I know everything about stupid Tara. I've been touring with the lads for a looong time" He said and left out a little laugh. I laughed to myself and took a sip of the tea. I was defiantly coming back here for a tea.

" I don't know, it's complicated I guess" 

He put away the cup and looked at me with his fingers crossed, resting in his lap.

" Is it really?

He raised his eyebrows and that familiar smile came up on his lips.

" Alright alright maybe not but I can't just forgive her for sending me away just like that" I said and looked down.

" Alright I got my coffee, feeling comfortable in , wait just a second..." Harry stopped and moved himself more down in the chair before looking at me.

" Start from the beginning" He said and smiled.

It took a couple of minuets but once I got started I couldn't stop talking. Harry nodded his head once in a while as a sign that he was still listening. I told him about how I wanted to get my line in her hands and that I wanted to become a real designer, not assistant by measuring the celebrities. 

Than I started to talk shit about my aunt. The way she walked, talked just everything. I didn't realize until I stopped talking that everything I dissed about her were the things I missed the most. I missed the way she kept nagging me to clean after myself every time I had something to eat, and the way she always managed to walk with her head held high in killer Prada heels.

I stooped and looked at Harry with tears in my eyes.

" You obviously need to call her" He said calmly. Or was his voice just this natural?

" I think I really do, I left her angry" I bit my lip and took a deep breath. I really didn't wanna cry infront of him.

" You know what you are doing first thing in the morning than" Harry said and finished the last sip of his latte.

I nodded my head.

Harry looked at his watch and stood up. " We better go to the hotel before this get suspicious" He joked but somehow he was serious.

We didn't speak until we were at the elevator. We stepped inside and Harry pressed the floor.

" Thanks for listening Harry" I suddenly said.

He looked at me and squeezed my hand a little" You seemed to have something to talk about, other than concerts or jobs...It was nice to hear you get something big of your chest"

Why was he being so nice to me? It was almost disturbing how close and friendly he was. 

The got open and he took the first step outside.

" Thank you for the night" He whispered and kissed me on the cheek before walking into his room.

I had no idea that Harry Styles could sit and listen for what seemed hours. 

Did he want anything from me?

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