Chapter 12- The way he's on stage.

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When we were done shopping we went back to get the boys ready for the concert.

" You girls are back" Louis said as he walked passed smiling, giving me a smirk.

I rolled my eyes and Laura told me to check if the boys needed any fixing.

I walked into the dressing room. They were all half naked, wondering what  they were supposed to wear first.

" Harry honey, you are wearing the t shirt wrong" I said laughing and he shook his head and took it off. I tried not to look. But really, how could you not like what you saw?

I helped each boy getting ready. Zayn was the last one.

" Hi" He said shortly like he was a little shy.

" Hi " I said back and bent down. He said that his jeans were too long. I was surprised when I saw that there was nothing wrong with them.

" Act like you are fixing them" Zayn whispered without looking at me. I turned my head around and saw Niall looking at me. He smiled to me when he saw that I caught him looking at us. I smiled back and begun to pretend fixing Zayn's jeans.

" How was your day?" Zayn asked and took up his phone.

" It was alright, thanks for asking...yours?" 

" Great, love meeting the fans..but still I get so embarrassed" He said and looked at me.

" What? Why?" I asked surprised.

" All these girls and boys..they've heard me sing..I don't's like if you publish a book. First it's okey you think that no one is gonna read it anyway but when you start hearing comments about it you can't help it but get a little embarrassed" Zayn said. " But in a good way...I guess" He added.

" Yeah I guess...I hope these girls will like your outfit tonight" I said and Zayn smiled.

" They are gonna love it" He looked at me. Maybe for too long.

" Yo Zayn ! We have to get going man" It was Niall again. He wasn't smiling as he turned around and walked up stairs with the boys.

I stood up.

" I need you see you tonight" Zayn suddenly said. 

" When?" I asked and found myself heat up from inside. This was so tense.

" Paul is gonna talk to us after the show, so I text you on the way to the hotel alright?" Zayn asked and was ready to go.

" Alright" Was all I could say.

Zayn was about to walk away but he turned around. " I really wanna kiss you" He said shy.

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