Chapter 6: the letter

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It was 6:00 in the morning when I woke up. Today was the day that I was leaving to go to California, I'm not happy about it but I have to support my dad.
         I got up from my bed and went to my bathroom and brushed my teeth, washed my face, did my makeup, and put on some clothes.
        I went to my dresser where my phone was and unplugged it from the charger, I went downstairs quietly and got my car keys and made my way to Terrance's house.
       As I was driving I was having second thoughts about leaving. I ignored it and pulled into the apartment parking lot.
        I got out of my car and started walking towards Terrance's apartment.
I took the key from the bottom of his welcome mat and unlocked the door.
" Honey I'm here" I said, but there was no answer.
I walked upstairs and into his room, and saw him in his bed. He was still sleeping.
All I could think about was him, and making this last day perfect.
I tip toed over to his large bed careful not to wake him up, and got into the bed.
I could feel his body heat next to me, it was warm and cozy, he jumped a little bit making me laugh which caused him to wake up.
" Heyy babe when did you get here?"
" A few minutes ago"
"Oh" he said
Immediately he leaned in and kissed me.
All I could do was just go along with it because I'm pretty sure we were feeling the same emotions.
The kiss was like a pattern, long kiss, and then a rough kiss, and then it was passionate, and then back to long again.
Once he pulled away I pulled him back in, there were a lot of emotions in his green eyes, I laughed and put my arms around his neck, and he put his hands around my waist.
This was the best kiss ever.
After what seemed like forever I had pulled away from his lips, and we were both breathing heavily.

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