Chapter 10: Girl Almighty

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Once I went upstairs I immediately called Terrance from my phone.

*ring ring*

Terrance: "hello?"

Carmen: "babe, I need to tell you something, I don't think you'll be happy with it either"

Terrance: "um-ok0, why would I be that mad at you?"

Carmen: "you'd be pretty surprised"

Terrance: "ok, i'm on my way then"

Carmen: "ok"

*long pause*

Carmen: "Terrance don't be mad no matter what I tell you ok?"

Terrance: "alright babe"

*call ended*

After the phone call with Terrance I just sat on my bed and waited until he came. A few minutes later I heard the door open and close, and the jingle of keys.

"Carmen" Terrance called out.

"I'm in my room" I said and I heard footsteps coming from the stairs, and into my room.

"Carmen whats going on?, Why do you think i'll be mad at you?" he said sitting next to me intertwining our hands together.

"I'll just start from the beginning" I said and his face turned serious.

"So yesterday you know how there was someone at the door?"

"yeah, and old friend, what about them?" he asked.

"well he um-" I said stuttering.

"Carmen you can tell me, I won't get mad. You can trust me" he said smiling at me.

" He kissed me" I blurted out.

"He kissed you?" Terrance said slowly.

"yeah" I said with my head down.

"whats his name?" Terrance asked.

"Don't hurt him Terrance, It was an accident" I said looking into his green eyes.

"I'm not going to hurt him, I just want to know his name" He said looking into my hazel brown eyes.

"Grayson, his name is Grayson ,but there's something else" I said

"what is it?" he looked at me concerned now.

"Grayson has a twin brother, and this afternoon he came over and I thought he was Grayson so I didn't want anything to do with him, but Grayson's twins name is Ethan. Ethan had come over and I offered for him to come inside since it was really hot outside, and when I closed the front door he was right behind me so I bumped into him. He had put his arms around my waist causing me not to fall and then he kissed me, and somehow I ended up in my room, and when I realized what was happening I kicked him out" I said with tears coming out of my eyes.

"babe" Terrance said

"no Terrance!" I yelled "Don't say everything's ok because its not!, I let some kid from a long time ago kiss me and it wasn't right" I said,"I don't deserve you".  I was now crying my eyes out, I got up from my bed and started to walk out of my bedroom when Terrance pulled my arm which caused me to spin around and he kissed me. Terrance's kisses were always different, but this one was my favorite out of all of his kisses. This kiss was slow and passionate, and then he asked for entrance so I gave it to him, the kiss was now rough but not too rough, and then he carefully put me on the bed while still kissing me.

"you're not mad?" I asked Terrance.

"just a pitch on salt mad, because some stranger kissed my private property" Terrance said which kind of made me smile because i'm his private property.

"oh there's one more thing" I said looking into his green eyes.

"which is?" he said.

"my dad told them to stay with us until he gets back" I said, and Terrance's face was unexplainable.

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