Author's Note

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Hello Guys and Gals!

First off I just want to apologize because I haven't been updating in like two months, and even if the chapter seems short it took me forever to write.

Second I want to say that I cant believe how many people are reading my book :D this really means a lot to me and im sorry if i haven't updated in a while but I will be updating as much as possible. And if some didn't know school has started not too long ago and I have school and homework but that's not going to get in the way of me and the family I have here on Wattpad.

So you Guys and Gals will see more chapters from me so expect a lot of updates coming soon, and even though I have school I will write chapters on the weekend or something but I will start updating on certain days if you guys and gals are okay with that.

My schedule is very full and fun and exciting but at the same time I have a lot of things going on at school constantly like the dance team and their practices are like every Tuesday and Thursday and this means that when I get home I have to immediately start on homework so.... 

I guess that i'll be making scheduled updates which might be on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday .

That's like three times a week!

Ill be on my -A game and try this schedule out but if this doesn't work then ill just do once a week.

alright bye guys and gals! 

continue to read my two books: "I won't change" and my second book that im working on which is called "My Passion"

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