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Every staircase, corner and hallway of the little palace was packed and full of people.

People and Grisha and delegates and ambassadors from all the different lands and countries on the map were there. To see her.

To see what she could do. To see her sworn in.

To see the Black General of the West.

Nerezza followed Genya up the stairs, shuffling through the crowds of people. She paused at the doorway of the main chamber, which was where she would be doing her unveiling.

"This way, it isn't time yet," Genya told her, grabbing her wrist and pointing to an adjourning room.

Nerezza was still looking at the main chamber, and could see Aleksander standing by the King and Queen, who were seated in the 'thrones' of the Little Palace. She frowned. Aleksander had once told her that those thrones belonged to the General. Or Generals, as of a few hours' time.

It didn't matter. It was probably just a formality.

"Wait," she noted, "He looks like he needs saving."

Genya peered into the room and noticed David, standing lonely by a wall. "I suppose we could go in."

Nerezza smiled. Genya would do anything to talk to David - and the latter would do the same. 

She walked in and instantly her smile dropped. The chatter slowed and people parted ways for her. She could feel their eyes on her, as they craned to get a look at her. Whispers erupted like wildfire.

Her eyes met Aleksander's.

He was looking at her like... she didn't know. It was a mix of things; passion, adoration, awe. His eyes were wide as he was taking in the sight hungrily, drinking in every aspect of her features. There was a weight in his gaze that clearly displayed he cared. Oh, there seemed to be everything in those eyes, every emotion, every disaster and every quiet moment, His eyes were so vulnerable in that moment – that anyone with half a braincell could see that he was completely and utterly captivated by her.

He made his way over to her, snapping out of his stupor and averted his eyes from her, clenching his jaw. "You were supposed to arrive accompanied by palace guards." His gaze flickered down to her again, "You look lovely by the way."

Nerezza felt her breath hitch, "Thank you." She let her hand stray to his, brushing her fingers against his own. "You looked like you needed saving."

His gaze softened, he took her hand in his, "You know me too well." He looked down at her and squeezed her hand, "Are you ready?"

She nodded, "I think I am."

He surveyed her, "Remember to choose your words carefully."

The two made their way to the centre platform. They stepped on it, and Aleksander stood with his back to the audience and turned to her. Nerezza looked up at him through her lashes.

He let go of her hand, and her skin was left feeling cold without him.

"Do you know who you are?" He inquired.

She nodded, "I do."

He smiled, "It's time to show the world."

The next moment, he turned to the audience, stepping forward so that she was visible.

"Her name is Nerezza Adiram."

His voice was low, but it was sharp and had a commanding tone to it. The way he presented himself in front of these people made her knees go weak.

"She is a powerful liaison to our lands, and she will command the Grisha of the West – liberating us all," Aleksander declared. He gestured to her and then stepped off from the podium.

Nerezza took a shaky breath and pushed her shoulder's back, raising her head.

She found Kaz, standing in a doorway.

His gaze softened when it met hers.

'You and me, against the world'.

It wasn't just them anymore. They were facing the world alone - apart from one another.

Nerezza raised her hand and wisps of shadow began to cling to it. She raised her other hand and touched them together, allowing ribbons of shimmering shadow to form.

She threw her hands back and the shadow combined with her own, causing tendrils of darkness to materialise.

She allowed them to snake around the room, darkening the corners and edges.

Her gaze found Aleksander's.

He nodded.

Project power.

And then she clapped her hands together as hard as she could and a shockwave of darkness rippled through the room, thrusting the halls in inky blackness.

People gasped, panicking in the dark.

And then she called the darkness back, allowing it to dissipate and slowly cast the rooms into light again.

Everything was silent.

"After this show of power, it has become clear that you are ready to lead," Aleksander announced, he moved to stand back on the podium. "Do you Nerezza Adiram swear to be loyal to Ravka and the needs of the Second Army, do you swear to lead them on benefit of the Grisha, Ravkans and the Crown, do you swear to put their needs before your own?"

Nerezza hesitated.

Remember to choose your words carefully.

"I shall be loyal to the second army, Grisha and Ravka as a whole," Nerezza declared, her heart was beating so fast she could feel her blood rush in her ears. Would that be accepted, was that subtle enough?

She saw a hint of pride in Aleksander's eyes.

"I now declare you The Black General of the West, you will be in command of the Second Army and Grisha in the Western states of Ravka and across the fold, in doing so you will liaise with the Crown and Eastern Ravka," Aleksander bestowed. With this appointment, she would be the one pawn that had rid the west's hope of seceding. She would unite East and West Ravka. Aleksander stared her down for a split second. "You will command the second army and Grisha alongside me as equals."


There was no way in hell she had managed to secure a position that was equal to the man standing in front of her.

The most powerful Grisha alive.

The Black Heretic.

Nerezza nodded, nonetheless, "I understand."

Aleksander brought his hand up in a salute.

She did also.

So did everyone in the room.

And when she lowered her hand and stepped off from the podium, it was official.

Nerezza Adriam was the Black General of the West.

She was the Black Heathen.

A SYMPHONY OF SHADOWS | grishaverseWhere stories live. Discover now