Part 25

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I was woken up to the sound of knocking on the front door. I get out of bed, and open the door as Jacob stands behind me.

Natalie: good morning

She yells, as my eyes flutter to open.

Y/n: natalie it's too early

Natalie: christmas is tomorrow

Y/n: yeah let's go shopping later?

Natalie: deal

And I closed the door.

Y/n: im going back to bed

I was so tired that the bedroom felt too far, so I plopped down on the couch. Jacob laid on top of me and wrapped his arms around me. I wrapped one arm around him, and my other hand played with his hair. I slowly stopped and fell asleep.


As my eyes opened, I couldn't find Jacob near me. I sat up and looked around the living room and kitchen, he was again nowhere to be found. I checked tiktok, seeing how much he's grown again. 377k followers, i checked out his recent video and girl were again, all over him. Calling him hot, sexy, etc. He acknowledged some of the girls comments that were his age calling him hot. Which I will admit, I did feel a little upset because what if they end up liking each other? I'm a big overthinker and sometimes take things the wrong way. I definitely don't want to be that kind of girlfriend, but I don't like that he acknowledged some of them. After I get ready for the day, I hear the front door open. I walk out of my bathroom, and see Jacob walking in. I hated to be that girlfriend, but he tell me that he wanted me to be honest with him

Jacob: what's wrong?

He asked concerned walking over to me, placing his hand on my waist. I pulled out my phone, and opened the app showing him the comments.

Jacob: what about it?

He asked confused, but calmly.

Y/n: why are you acknowledging it?

You could say I'm pretty insecure. I was being stalkerish, and the girls he replied back to were pretty, and skinny. I was none of those things.

Y/n: do you like her?

Jacob: no of course not. Why would you ask that?

Y/n: i don't know im just insecure i guess

Jacob: you have nothing to worry about

I was a little upset that he was posting himself shirtless, but there's nothing I can do about it i don't want to be that girlfriend again.

Jacob: is there something else on your mind?

Y/n: i just don't like that you..

Jacob: that I what?

Y/n: put yourself out there. I mean don't get me wrong im glad your confident i love it, but, girls are all over you and i feel.. insecure

I guess he didnt like my opinion

Jacob: why are you upset about this?

I didn't answer him. I was scared

Jacob: tell me y/n

He said very seriously.

Y/n: because what if you find someone better?

Jacob: I'm never gonna find someone better, I don't want anyone but you. You're the one for me

Y/n: jacob-

Jacob: do you not believe me?

I sighed. I wish he understood what I've been through. I wish he could feel the way i overthink and the fear i have.

Jacob: you don't believe me

He removed his hands from my waist.

Y/n: i do.. i do

He just looked at me, like he was upset? But not really.

Y/n: no Jacob really i believe you, i dont know what's wrong with me. I'm sorry

I snaked my arms around his waist.

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