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~ Weeks before ~
Nicole's Pov:
"Your not following your fathers foot steps?? Oh big man is gonna be mad I'm so excited to see him finally slap her upside the hea" I heard a slap I smirked to my self typing on my computer I didn't even have to look up. "Hi dad" i finished sending my paper work over to the FBI. I grabbed my passport and backpack "Are you sure you want to do this honey? There is so much room here with me. You can be what I am" he stood next to me I sighed deeply shaking my head.

"Dad, I love you I do. Don't get me wrong but if I have to deal with Tony any more then I need to I'm gonna be a Unsub" I laughed he sighed deeply "Ouch that hurt and we were best friends" Tony said I laughed leaning over a little looking at him. "Oh I'm sorry I didn't see you standing there" I smirked he rolled his eyes flipping me off "I saw that" Gibbs said I smirked Tony raised his eyebrow confused. "Don't ask I still wonder about it also" he shook his head I leaned back looking at my father. "Gibbs do you trust me? You trained me yourself you got me ready for me to be out on my own in FBI?" I asked he sighed deeply looking down at his feet for a moment.

"Dad you taught me everything I know I learned everything because of you. If it wasn't for you then I don't know what I would do with my life let me grow." I smiled softly he sighed looking up at me "Alright fine, but any issue's and your home got it? If you need anything you call US got it? If you are in danger you ca- Yes I know call you first I know dad" I pulled him into a huge smiling softly "Thank you, you guys want to drive me to the airport?" I asked smiling softly they agreed

Nicole's Pov:
"MORGAN!" I yelled standing up as fake butterflies flew out of my desk I heard his laugh from behind his desk "Oh I'm soooo gonna get revenge just you wait!" I smirked my phone started to ring "Hello!" I answered didn't mean to make it sound rude but it definitely came out rude "Woah who got your panties in a twist?" Tony asked I sighed slowly sitting back down "Firstly if my father ever hears you speaking to his daughter like that you may be killed. And secondly what do you want Dinozzo?" I asked leaning back into my chair. "Oh right, I just wanted to call and ask how was the job treating you there?" He asked I sighed looking around I smiled softly

Reid and Emily were  chatting Morgan was setting a prank up again probably for me. Rossi was in his office working on his next files to fill out and Hotch.. I looked into his office he was walking around talking to JJ "Hey do you remember my fathers rules?" I asked him playing with the cord of my phone he hummed in response "You umm remember Rule Twelve?" I asked he started to laugh a little. I stayed quiet he stopped laughing "Oh your serious? Wait hold on you got mad as hell at me for liking Ziva!" He said I sighed rubbing my forehead "I know I know I said I was sorry about it how many times" he sighed deeply I can already tell he's laying his forehead on his desk "Who is it Nic? Is it Morgan?" He asked I laughed a little bit "Cold" he was silent for a moment "Good because he can't be better looking then me" I gasped I could tell he had a sly smirk on his face. "Im kidding, is it that nerd geek kid I forgot his name he's just like McGee?" I shook my head

"Reid? No colder" he sighed deeply it was quiet for a moment "Ros- God no I see Gibbs in him" he laughed a little bit "Fair enough I see yo- It's your Boss isn't it, Hotchner isn't it!" He said I stayed quiet I felt the heat rush up to my cheeks he started to laugh "Tony you don't stop I swear to god when you come visit I'm slapping you when you least expect it" he stopped laughing and sighed deeply "Alright I'll help you" I raised my eyebrow a tad confused Morgan leaned against my desk "Who's that?" He asked pointing to the phone "Tony" he nodded his head "What? I'm being nice if you don't want the help then fine goodbye" I sighed deeply "No no I want the help just Morgan asked who I was talking to" Morgan raised his eyebrow looking at me lost and confused "Alright call me after work tonight we can talk" we said our goodbyes and I hung up the phone. "What was that all about?" He asked I shook my head grabbing my finished files.

"None ya" I walked away from him heading up the stairs I knocked on Hotches door. It was a moment before the door opened "Yes Nicole?" Hotchner asked I held the files in my hands "Just turning these in and coming to say goodnight". I waved the files in the air he nodded his head he slowly stood up reaching out I handed him the files his fingers softly grazed my fingers they stayed like that for a moment "Are they all done?" He asked I nodded my head he took them out my hands setting them behind him on the table behind his desk "Thank you good work today have a good rest of your night" I thanked him saying goodbye to everyone else then left to go home.


"So when did they start to bloom?" He asked I sat on my bed confused at what he was saying "Why am I taking advice from a Dinozzo?" I asked he stopped talking for a second "Do you want my damn help or not?!" He asked I sighed deeply pulling my legs up to my chest looking at the tv "Alright they started maybe Three months into the new job" from there on out we talked about everything

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