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Nicole's Pov:
"Hotch I need back up" I said into my wrist walking in the woods all I heard was static I couldn't breathe I couldn't see anything my flashlight was missing all I had was my gun. Alright I took a deep breath and followed my fathers rules number forty just keep replaying in my head. I took a deep breath maybe I should turn around I quickly turned around I was completely surrounded by trees and darkness. "Hotch?" I called out I held my gun up looking around "Dad?" I called out walking around trying not to be seen as best as I could. Something cracked behind me I went to spin in my heels but I was punched hard sending me backwards hitting my head off a tree stump.

Hotchner's Pov:
"Where's Nic?" I asked looking around the group. I heard feet running Morgan was breathing heavy he lifted up her gun and badge "I Found this" he said in between breaths trying to breathe. "Any sign of her?" I asked he shook his head "Nicole?" I talked into my wrist walking over to the car no reply. I sighed heavily jogging over to my SUV. "What are we gonna do?" Morgan asked as I jogged back over after grabbing my phone. "I want everyone out there in them woods searching for Nicole, I want road block's everywhere out of this town. I'm making a phone call" I stepped away for a second as everyone quickly got there gear ready and themselves ready.

"Gibbs" he answered I sighed deeply I didn't want to actually do this. "It's Nicole" I said it was quiet for a few moments "We are on our way" the line ended I turned walking back over to the team. "Let's Move" we rushed towards the woods quickly searching for Nicole.

  ~Hour's Later~
Tony's Pov:

We pulled up quickly to the FBI headquarters basically running in the doors no one stopped us her boss probably told them what's going on. "What do we got so far?" Gibbs asked walking into the room they were all standing around the board photos posted up. "So this unsub has a fixture, he always goes for brunettes and green eyes." We sat our bags down I sat mine near her desk that had her name on it. "He also is a white male in his Late thirties early forties, he always goes after woman alone and at night he has this mentality that he's the savior saving these woman from evil but he's the evil they are hiding from"  Reid said I sighed deeply sitting down in her desk

"Alright do we got a name?" Gibbs asked I looked over at him thinking for a moment "Hey boss" he turned his head looking at me. "Not to be an ass or anything but didn't you have a rule about not getting personally involved in a case?" I asked he stared me down walking over to me he leaned down and close to my ear "This is my daughter we are talking about. You have known that woman since she was a little kid now. Shut up and get to work" he slapped the back of my head I shook my head pulling out my stuff setting up at her desk and McGee started plugging stuff in "You should keep your mouth shut sometimes" he laughed I looked over at him "Says the one talking probe" he rolled his eyes shaking his head

Nicole's Pov:
I groaned sitting up i reached up rubbing my head "God I had the sickest dream" I went to stand up and walk over to the door but I yelped in pain something tight tugged my ankle I looked down to see my foot chained to the wall I quickly looked around and noticed I wasn't in my room. I stopped for a moment to collect my thoughts because for some reason this room looked familiar I studied it. The door opened I jumped back looking at the door a man stood there holding a tray. He had a ski mast on over his face "Where am I?" I asked he didn't answer he slowly walked towards me I slowly walked backwards towards the bed.

He sat the food tray down on the bed looking up at me still not saying anything. "Who are you?" I asked he stayed quiet turning around walking over to the door I grabbed the bottle of water and threw it. It hit the door exploding everywhere he stopped "ANSWER ME WHERE AM I!" I yelled he looked over at me and walked out shutting the door locking it up. I grabbed the tray throwing it at the door screaming loudly. I sat down on the bed looking down at my feet. I don't know where I am or who this man was but this room it definitely looked like I've been here before. As the time went on I got more and more worried I snuggled into a pillow staring at the wall. A tear slowly slide down my cheek for god sake Aaron please hurry I really hope you called Tony or my father for help. The door opens I quickly sat up in the bed standing up being big and strong I was going to let this man over power me this time he was holding a box he dropped it at my feet turning and leaving again I looked down at the box I slowly climbed onto the bed and to the other side I grabbed the ruler that was on the desk. I reached across the bed holding a pillow to cover my face just in case dumb idea but it's all I got.

I used the ruler to push the lid off I waited for a little I slowly looked over the pillow it was just a box full of papers. I climbed over the bed slowly reaching in grabbing the papers. I flipped through them I turned the paper till I noticed the name I slowly looked up staring at the wall.

Safe and Sound ~ Aaron Hotchner Where stories live. Discover now