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Nicole's Pov:
"Alright that's it your doing good few more steps" my therapist said I took a few more steps I fell hitting the ground I groaned holding where I was stabbed. "God why does it hurt still?" I asked her she chuckled a little kneeling down "You got your stitches out a week ago it's fresh you don't need to take it easy no more it's time to get your muscles back. You did good today how about we call it?" She asked patting my back I crawled over to the pillar and plopped my butt down on the floor leaning against the wall.

"No just give me five minutes" I said holding five fingers up she laughed shaking her head standing up fully. "Nicole?" I looked up to see Hotch walking into the physical therapy I raised my eyebrow looking at him "What are you doing here?" I asked him looking up from the floor. "I could ask you the same thing? I didn't know you were going to therapy? I would have brought you so you didn't have to drive your not even cleared to drive yet" Rachel whipped her head over at me "You drive here?" She asked crossing her arms over her chest

"Thanks Hotch, I was fine to drive I don't see an issue" I turned pushing my self up off the ground but a sharp stabbing feeling shot right to where I was stabbed I groaned dropping down to one knee "Nic" strong arms wrapped around me quickly before I fell to the ground I held my side Hotch glared down at me "Next time I'm driving" he helped me up off the ground "We are gonna have you come twice a week since after one session making you hurt that bad we have to fix it okay? How does twelve thirty Friday sound?" Rachel asked looking over at me as Hotch helped me out my jacket on "I'll be back to pull my car around front I'll call Derek to come get your car" I nodded my head

He helped me sit down on the table I watched him walk off as I zipped up my jacket "I know this is rude but he's hot" she said I laughed a bit shaking my head "Yeah but he can be a drill Sargent at times but yeah Friday is good for me" she chuckled writing stuff down on a paper "Here is a prescription for the pain it's a low dose  take is when needed alright? I'll see you Friday" the door opened again Hotch walked back over to me 

"Ready?" He asked I nodded my head he held his arm out for me I smiled softly wrapping my hand around his bicep "Thank you Rachel we will see you Friday" Hotch called out as we walked out therapy he helped me into his car. Derek and JJ pulled up "Hey we're here where's her car?" I grabbed my keys out my pocket handing them to Hotch out the window I heard JJ snicker I sat up quickly to glare at her I winced in pain leaning over a little "Nic you okay?" Hotch asked stepping up to my window I nodded my head "Yeah I umm I need to stop at the pharmacy for my meds." I handed the prescription paper over to him he took it reading the paper.

"Alright that's fine we can stop in and get your meds then back to my house I'll sleep on the couch." I raised my eyebrow he walked around the car as Morgan smirked at me "Have fun" he drove off to take my car home he climbed into the driver side I looked over at him "What do you mean by all that?" I asked he took the car out of park and started to head to the pharmacy. "You can't drive and your in pain and can barley walk with out doubling over it's gonna take time for the muscle to build back up and the ghost pain to go away. Trust me it takes a while." I stayed quiet as he drove "I just want to make sure you are safe and can get to your appointments with out any trouble Derek is driving your car to my house. So when you are okay to leave and drive it will be there"  he said looking over at me as we came to a stop at the red light.

"Are you alright with that?" He asked I shrugged my shoulders "I mean I don't really care. But at the same time I don't wanna be a burden in your house. What would Jack think? Oh his this be the first time I'm meeting him. I don't know Hotch" he laughed shaking his head driving again as the light turned green soon we pulled into the parking lot "It's fine you will not be a burden plus Jack is excited to meet you." I laughed shaking my head "Oh no what did you tell him?" I asked he rolled his eyes pulling up to the window getting my prescription.

~Hour later~

He opened my door holding his hand out to me. "Need some help? Or do you want me to carry you?" He asked I shook my head. "The meds kicked in I should be okay." He nodded his head I slowly slid out of my seat planting my feet on the ground "How you doing?" He asked I nodded my head softly "The meds help out a lot. Thank you" he nodded his head I slowly walked towards his house two cars pulled into the drive way I turned to thank them.

Morgan smiled walking up to me handing me my keys after he parked and made sure it was locked. "Thank you Morgan for doing that" he smiled wrapping his arms around me "Come here mommas how you feeling" he hugged me tightly messing up my hair I laughed slapping him away "Stop it! I'm fine thanks for asking how's dealing with Tony and my father while I was down?" I asked JJ soon joined us we all headed inside to catch up for a while.

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