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Nicole's Dream Pov:
"Ohh this is my favorite part come on" my mother grabbed my hand we ran quickly. Next thing I know we are in my room at the hospital I laid there unconscious I gazed at my lifeless body. The door's opened I looked over to watch Hotch walk in the door shut behind him I noticed they have guards at my door. "Aaron made the guards stand there and watch your door he was scared Dom or Ryan would hurt you again" I shook my head he walked over to me "You are safe and sound with me around" he pulled up a chair he reached over grabbing my hand. I looked down quickly my hand felt tingly and warm. I slowly raised it softly I smiled a little. "I can see how much you care for that man" my mother said walking over to stand right next to him. "He cares a-lot about you also every day I'm around you guys and I see the looks and gazes he gives you" I chuckled shaking my head "What are you talking about?" I asked she looked up at me. "He always wants you to be safe and sound always made sure you were with the strongest team member possible" I gave her a confused look she chuckled a bit.

"I'm your guardian angel Nic, I follow you everywhere almost everywhere but I'm there protecting my daughter and my shitty ex husband you both mean the world to me." I walked up to my bed sitting down next to me I looked at Aaron sitting there he was crying I softy grabbed his hand that was holding mine. "I like this man, he's a good choice for you. Now I don't got much time left with you because your about to wake up" she said I looked up at her confused. She was fading away. "Remember I'll always be here by your side and that I love you so very very much".

I slowly opened my eyes wincing at the bright light. "Nic?" I groaned in pain "Nicole" I opened my eyes fully allowing the light to adjust I looked around the room "Mom?" I asked looking around my eyes landed on Hotch sitting next to me he was w still holding my hand. "I'm so happy to see them beautiful blue eyes of yours" he whispered standing up he ran out the room for a moment soon he came back with a few nurse's they did a check up asking a lot of questions. "What happened?" I asked groaning to go sit up I yelped in pain "Woah slow down there you just got stitches" I laid back down we sat there in silence time went on that we just talked soon the family and the rest of the team came in my father was the first to come to my side quick.

~Weeks later~

I used my cane to walk to the front door the doorbell keep ringing "ALRIGHT CALM DOWN IM COMING! Jesus I can't move that fucking quickly" I whipped the door open to see Tony standing there "I should of figured it was your annoying ass" he gasped loudly I turned walking towards my living room Tony walked in shutting the door behind him. "I just came to check in see how my best friend is doing?" He asked I slowly lowered my self down on the couch I looked up at him. "You know I'm doing alright just can't wait for myself to be healed up and ready to go back out into the field. I'm surprised dad isn't with you" he laughed setting the food down he brought on the table. "He's a little busy right now with what you may ask I don't know so don't ask." I laughed a little shaking my head.

"I wasn't going to ask" he plopped down into the chair across from the couch "Soooo how is you and Aaron?" He asked I shook my head "Nothing is going on" he raised his eyebrow his face was filled with lost and confusion. "Really? He didn't tell you he went ape shit till he found you?" I shook my head no he started to laugh a bit "Oh this is going to be so amazing" he leaned forward and started to tell me everything from how he ran the entire operation to how it ended. "He did all that?" I asked him he leaned back in his chair nodding his head. "He even told your father to sit down and shut up so he could think. And what surprised me more is he did and they worked well together rescuing you." I smiled softly to my self the thought of them getting along really made me happy my father never did like any of the men I brought him especially my ex. "Luke your ex was a total disgrace I didn't even like him." I shook my head rolling my eyes "Does my father know my secret?" I asked him he leaned forward opening the bag going through it. "Ohhh he knew from the start when he meet him. He noticed the way Hotch stairs at you." I looked up at him confused. "Oh? You didn't know?" He asked I shook my head he pulled a snack out and opened it "Oh he definitely do be looking at you when your not paying any attention to anything but your work or even if your at the desk he watches you. Last time I saw it was at the hospital when you played chess with Reid." From that moment on we sat there talking about the little things Tony has noticed between me and Aaron

Safe and Sound ~ Aaron Hotchner Where stories live. Discover now