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Nicole's Pov-
It's been a few weeks since I've been going to therapy. I worked on squats this week and I've been getting better and better "Your doing so good. We may be coming to an end of visits I will say you are now cleared to drive" I looked over at Aaron he sat there with a smile on his face "What about a party tonight? Is she allowed to drink and dance?" He asked I raised my eyebrow Rachel smirked down at me "Yeah she's good to go. I think we are done here for the day." She placed her hand on my shoulder I smiled slowly standing back up "alright I'll go pull the car around." Aaron said standing up walking out the room.

"You're going to that party!" Rachel said pointing at me as she walked away up to her computers me and her got close since I've been coming she is invested in Aaron and I's relationship when there isn't one at all "Rachel how many times do I gotta tell you nothing is going on between us." She turned looking over at me "Fine then, if there's nothing going on ask him to dance pull him close to where your chest are pressed against each other's then tell me how you deny there's no feelings on our last visit" she hands me a paper and I looked down at it .

"Ready?" He asked walking into the room I stayed looking at Rachel shocked "Nicole" Hotch said I looked over at him nodding my head "Yeah sorry I'm ready umm see you at our last visit" I waved leaving therapy with Aaron. "I gotta drop you off at my place apparently JJ and the other girls wanna steal you away today so I'll see you tonight right?" He asked as we drove right to his house I nodded my head "Yeah I'll be there" I smiled looking over at him letting what Rachel said roam my head. What if he does feel some type of way? Ever since what the Unsub did to me we been getting closer everyday.

~Hours later~
"Alright come on Nicole let's see the dress" I called out leaning back in the chair next to Emily and Penelope. "I don't know about this it's too revealing." She said pushing the curtain back she slowly walked out the changing room Emily sat up "Now that's the dress you're wearing tonight. No more searching" she looked down at herself "Come on look at yourself" I said standing up grabbing her hand pulling her towards a mirror "Look what do you see?" I asked her pointing at the mirror she looked up at herself

"I see a bad bitch" Emily spoke up behind us Nicole's face slowly sparked I smirked softly at myself Morgan's plan is really working out. Yeah it's against the rules but watching Hotch and Nicole battle there feelings back from each other is toxic. They should be allowed to express there feelings for each other. Reid even agrees that they be perfect for each other "I do kinda look bad ass hot in it." She mumbled I whipped my head back over at her "Kinda!? Nicole you are hot as fuck!" Penelope said I smiled wrapping my arm around her shoulder "Now let's get ready for the party." She walked back to get changed.


Nicole's Pov-
"Come on Nic" JJ groaned out side the car I sighed taking my seatbelt off and getting out the car. "I look ridiculous." I crossed my arms over my chest she rolled her eyes at me grabbing my wrist dragging me to the back yard the music blared laughter filled the cool air. Everyone was dancing and having fun. JJ soon slipped from my grip disappearing into the crowd of friends and family "Lost?" I almost jumped out my skin I turned around to find Hotch standing there he looked handsome.

Scratch that he was fine as fuck I melted right there "Wanna dance?" He asked pointing at the crowded dance floor. "Sure" I smiled softly looking up at him. He smiled placing a hand softly on my lower back leading me to the dance floor. he's holding my waist tightly as our chests are touching and we can feel each other's breaths as we move along each other I caught him staring at me "Don't look at me like that." I said as I danced around him his eyes followed every move

"Like what?" He asked with a sly smirk on his face I rolled my eyes as I walked up close to him again his hand gripped my waist pulling me close to him. His arm protectively wrapped around my waist. "That look, right there we are in public." He smirked rolling his eyes spinning me around

Morgans pov-
"I do believe you owe me Ten bucks now" Rossi said walking up next to Reid and I as we watch Hotch and Nicole dance I reached into my pocket pulling my wallet out handing him ten dollars "how did you know he was gonna ask her to dance." I asked looking over at Rossi. "That's Aaron's love language Physical Touch. You can't tell the way his hands are all over her?" Rossi said pointing as we watched him pulled her closer

"Can she even breathe?" Reid asked Rossi and I both looked over at him "Oh you poor poor child, you will understand one day buddy" I said tapping his shoulder as I walked away to the dance floor to have some fun. Now that Aaron and Nicole are lost in each other it was now time to finally be happy tonight and have nothing to worry about.

Nicole's Pov-

We danced almost half the night away. I finally was able to take a break I walked over towards the girls as Emily and JJ were smirking at me "What?" I asked them Penelope shook her head "You were so pressed up against his chest come on due tell us it firm?" She asked I rolled my eyes shaking my head laughing. "Oh come on spill the tea." JJ asked I sighed walking over the table "Okay okay, fine I'll spill" they squealed and moved closer in as Emily handed me a beer

They were staring at me just waiting like a pray waiting for its dinner to die. "Well yes it's very firm and strong" Emily smirked softly at me "He had that protective hold on you" I could still feel his hands the tight grip along my waist and the one around my ribs he held me tight and close. I miss the touch "Earth to Nic" JJ waved her hands in front of my face "Look at her all lost in his touch" Morgan said wrapping his arm around my shoulders "That look screams Hold me again Hotch it felt amazing being held against your chest" I qucikly slapped him in his chest as he laughed stepping away holding his arms up as I slapped his arms "MORGAN!" I yelled laughing

Aaron's Pov~
"MORGAN!" She yelled I looked over the crowd as the team laughed talking to her. Her face was all beat red "Can't get enough of her?" Dave said I looked over at him as he walked up sipping on his glass of whiskey "What? No she just screamed" he nodded his head looking over at them. "Uh huh sure, anyways that was one impressive dance you two had." I rolled my eyes taking a sip of my beer. "I can't get distracted this isn't work appropriate." Rossi rolled his eyes pointing over at her

"Aaron, you deserve a good distraction and a better life. Nicole makes you happy and you make her happy fuck what anyone says. You two deserve this now what are you doing over here go get your woman." Rossi shoved me towards the team as I stumbled a bit I walked over to them but stopped I turned to go back but Morgan already saw me "Hotch come join us" I held my beer up walking up to the table "Here sit next to Nicole." JJ moved out her spot as I slid in right next to her.

The rest of the night we sat there talking laughing and drinking. Her hand softly laid on my thigh I jumped a bit looking over at her she was talking to Reid the whole time. "So Hotch, what's the plan tomorrow about this case?" Dave asked I looked over at him and from there we talked about the case as her hand sat there cause my stomach to do flips.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 01, 2023 ⏰

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