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Tony's Pov:
We pulled up to Dom's house quiet no lights no sirens. We quickly got out the car's everyone was bulking up getting there vest's on and everything it was a very huge rescue mission. The swat ran around surrounding the house along with the rest of the FBI her boss tightened his vest "Morgan and Gibbs are with me the rest follow behind. Dom has a huge house there are at least a hand full of men armed we go in silent not quiet but silent" Aaron said standing in front of us "Let's roll" he said he rushed up to the front of the steps while I ran in the back.

Aaron's Pov:
Morgan got the door open as quickly and quietly as he possibly could we stormed the inside quietly. I turned the corner going up the steps slowly looking around shooting a few men down. "Clear, coming up behind you Aaron" Gibbs said following up the stairs from the living room "Clear in the kitchen" Tony said we slowly made our way down the hallway "Clear in the basement were all good to move in" Rossi said I turned the bend bullets flew Gibbs grabbed my vest pulling me backwards  "We got the others you guys are clear to engage" Reid said Gibbs ran out shooting back.

We made our way through the hall quickly. "LOOK WHAT YOU MADE ME DO RYAN!"  We heard Dom yell I kicked the door open holding the gun pointed I walked in slowly Ryan was holding Nicole. "Hands in the air now Dominic Carter" I yelled Gibbs rushed up handcuffing him "Rossi, Morgan  I need you up here. Bring medics also." I  made my way over to Ryan and Nicole "What happened?" I asked taking him out his arms laying her on her back I pulled my knife out cutting the cover off the bed wrapping it around the knife trying to stop the bleeding. "Done rushed at me with a knife and she stepped in front of me to save me. I I thought she was going to let me die when she saw me." The guys rushed in the room medics made there way over I stood up stepping back "Oh nic" Morgan whispered softly they lifted her limp body off the floor "Her plus is fading we got to hurry and get her to the hospital so whoever is riding with us let's go" they rushed out the room. "Go ahead your her father" Gibbs rushed out behind them "Now for you" I gripped up Dom dragging him out the room.

Nicole's Dream Pov:
"Hello?" I called out of the elevator I was in the NCIS building I raised my eyebrow a bit lost. "Dad?" I called out walking up to the desk nothing no one was around. I walked around the office looking at everything. "There's my girl" I looked up and smiled softly "Mom" I ran up pulling her into a hug she wrapped her arms around me tightly "Where am I? How are you here? Am I dead?" I asked she laughed pulling away tucking some hair behind my ear. "No dear you aren't dead. I sure hope your not I'll haunt your father till the day he dies" I chuckled a little tearing up "I miss you so much" she smiled softly raising her hands to my cheeks wiping away the tears.

"I know Doll, I miss you and your father so very much also." I softly touched her hand leaning my head into it. "How did I get here?" I asked her she lowered her hand and touched my hip softly I winced in pain I looked down to see a pool of blood on my shirt my eyes grew wide. "Your okay, you are in a hospital here follow me" she took my hand leading me towards the elevators "You got stabbed in your kidnapping you stepped in front of a person going to get stabbed he stabbed you in the hip you lost a lot of blood" she said as the elevator moved slowly I looked around the elevator. "Then am I in the after life?" I asked her she shook her head again. "When we get hurt and don't want to wake up our brain makes a safe place for you to go with all the loved ones that have passed away to be there when you need us and I so happen to be the one here" she smiled softly the doors opened she walked off them I followed behind her and the scenery changed we were now in a hospital "Turn around" she pointed behind me I slowly turned to see all NCIS and the BAU sitting there in the waiting room of the hospital.

"Dad" I whispered I slowly walked over to them kneeling down in front of him "He can't see or hear you dear" she said I looked up at tony who was sitting next to him he looked like shit. He had red puffy eyes but he held tears back being brave for my father. "Hotch calm down" Morgan's voice called out I turned my head too see Hotch standing there yelling at the nurse. "What do you fucking mean you don't know when she will wake up!" He yelled I slowly stood up walking over to him as he stood there with Morgan's hands on his chest. "I've been watching over you for a while now. He's a good pick out of all the men you have dated I like this one" my mother said I smiled softly as tears rolled down my cheek. I reached up touching Aaron's face softly. "I'm right here" I whispered he huffed walking through me towards the doors walking out. "Hotch" Morgan went to run after him.

"I got this" Gibbs said standing up I looked over at my mother. "Can we follow them?" I asked her she nodded her head we followed right behind them out side to the smoking roof top for visitors it was just Aaron and Gibbs. " Look Nicole is strong Aaron, I know it's something your tired of hearing. She is unstoppable just like her mother was" I smiled softly looking at her she shook her head. "Man I'm so mad you picked that trait up from me" I smiled softly at her

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