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Nicole's Pov:
The door opened again I stood up my body was shaking I couldn't control it he didn't have the mask on this time. "Face me like a man" I stood there my anxiety was high I was on the verge of a mental breakdown. He slowly turned around we locked eyes my breath hitched and it was scattered. "Dominic" the right side of his lip twitched "She remembers me" he said his voice sent chills up my spine. "Ohhh I remember when you and daddy were fixing the boat that day" my fist bawled up. "You were the my father put a bullet in the side of your face." He smirked the scar was from his cheek clipped part of his ear off and grazed the back of his head.

"If daddy would of just let me have you then maybe this would of not happened." I went to attack him but he took a big step back the chain pulled me back causing me to fall to my knees. He slowly lowered down to my level but far from me. " I was never going to hurt you, till that son of a bitch shot me" he reached over tucking hair behind my ear I slapped his hand away he slapped me across my face. My hands flew up to my cheek I crawled backwards a little away from him.

~Back to Virginia~

Aaron's Pov:
It's been almost twenty three hours since Nicole has been missing no one has gotten any sleep. I look out my office to see my team along with her fathers team asleep me and her father were still up going through stuff to try and catch the son of a botch that took her. I sighed looking down at my desk closing her old file picking up another I opened it up flipping through the paper work there was a knock on my door I looked up to see JJ holding a cup of coffee. "I know it's really late and you probably need this" she walked up to me handing me a cup "Did Gibbs get one?" I asked she nodded her head I looked over to see him holding the cup while reading a file "He just held his hand out didn't even reply" I nodded my head "She is just like him." I laughed a bit shaking my head. "Hey look we are gonna find her alright?" I looked up at her nodding my head I looked back at the folder.

"Hey look at this" I sat up setting the folder down and my coffee away from it. "Ryan Carter was brothers of a man named Dominic Carter. Her father's team took the brothers down a while ago." I stood up rushing out my office down to him. "Hey you remember this case?" I asked him handing the file over he took it out my hands flipping through it he was quiet he didn't speak I mean. If Jack was in her spot I'd be the exact same way worried sick and scared but can't show it because your job is dangerous place. "His brother Dominic had this huge infatuation with Nicole. Looks like Ryan has been out of jail for quite some time and he lives out here not good. Let's go make a visit." He stood up grabbing his coat he slapped Tony upside the head "Let's go" he quickly stood up we walked out the building to my SUV

~Ryan's House~

"WHERE IS SHE!?" I pinned him to the car slapping hand cuffs on him "Damn man come on I didn't do anything I don't even know who your talking about" he struggled Gibbs slammed a photo of Nicole on the hood of the SUV. "Remember me now" he stared at the picture for a moment he looked back up at me. He sighed deeply "What did Dom do now?" He asked Gibbs looked up at me for a second a little confused "What do you mean what did he do now?" Tony asked as I pulled him away from the car he stood there with his hands behind his back.

"I haven't seen Dom since that day you locked my ass up." He stared Gibbs down he stood there unfazed "Yeah well you helped him back then what look does that give you right now?" Gibbs asked him he stood there confused "Look old man I haven't seen him since that day you locked us up. I hated him for getting me caught up in his dumb shit yeah he's my brother but I don't care no more. I told him once we got out to never contact me again I wanted a better life." Tony sighed deeply "Well she's missing now so we may need your help."

~Hours later~
Nicole's Pov:
I sat there hugging my knees I pulled the covers over me a bit tighter it was freezing the door opened two guys walked in I quickly stood up quickly "I told you I would make this happen one day, I got her" he said stepping out from in front of the second guy he stood there staring at me "Dom listen Um, I don't understand why your doing this but I'm your brother right?" He said Dom nodded his head I backed away now I remember him "Ryan Carter" I slowly climbed up onto the bed "Better yet give me a few minutes alone with her please? I won't do anything to her alright?" Dom nodded his head leaving the room Ryan looked over at me I held the pillow up covering my self. "Don't come near me" he held his hands up in the air

"Look I totally understand you are scared but I'm here for a few reasons" I titled my head a bit confused he walked over handing me a envelope and backed away "Hurry open it" I ripped it open and pulled the letter out it was my father telling me once I hear a huge loud bang in a while or whenever they can get the court order that I'm instructed to hide if I can't and he tries to take me to a new place to struggle drop my weight make my self a struggle to work with. He also said how Aaron was all worked up that I was gone and he wanted to talk about it I shook my head closing the envelope. "They are worried I also want to tell you how sorry I am for what I did in the past" the door opened dom stood there staring us down "Oh you wanna be all sweet on her and lie to me and go to the cops" a knife dropped down to his hand my eyes grew wide.

"Dom don't" I stepped forward he ran at Ryan I stepped in front of him I felt sharp pain in my hip Dom slowly stepped away from me "No no no" Ryan quickly rushed over to me I looked down down "DOM WHAT DID YOU DO!" Ryan yelled I slowly fell down Ryan helped me out soon everything started to get blurry

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