Chapter 40 - It's Time

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"You reak of death. I'll take it that you've completed your contracts?"

"Dead." Killing was becoming second nature.

A sickening smile stretched across Nazir's face. "It looks like we might be able to be friends after all."

Jade turned to the sound of knuckles rasping on the hall wall. Astrid was leaning against the entrance to the dining hall. She said,  "It's time," and motioned for Jade to follow her. Walking through the Santuary, Astrid explained that all she had to do was pose as the Gourmet and poison the Emperor.

"Getting in seems simple enough, but how will I get out?"

"It's taken all the black mail, threats, and bribery I could muster, but I assure you that the way out is clear. Good luck and take care, sister."

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