Chapter 19

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Alice's P.O.V

It was the beginning of April. I've been spending more time at the art gallery, preparing for it's opening. I've added more and more paintings. Honestly by now, the gallery was almost full. It's also been awhile since I spoke with Ethan and Carrie. I was mad at Ethan because he was unfaithful to Carrie while he was engaged to her and the father of her child. It doesn't matter how unfaithful Carrie was to Ethan, it still wasn't right. I haven't spoken to Yoko that much either. I would but she's always with Ethan. Then I was mad at Carrie because I had what she wanted and couldn't have. Both Paul and I made it clear together that we're very much in love and nothing could break us apart. Paul was busy so Linda invited me over. It was just her, Heather, Ethel, Martha and I. Linda I were sitting on the porch watching the girls play. Martha was running around the yard.

"Six months pregnant already. Are you excited?" I asked. Linda put her hand over her very pregnant stomach.

"I am. I'm due in June" Linda said

"Paul's birthday is in June as well" I said

"Who knows. Maybe Alex and Paul will share a birthday" Linda said

"How's Joseph feeling about the baby?" I asked

"Oh he's very excited. Joseph's a really good father. He spends a lot of time with Heather" Linda said

"It's good he's apart of her life" I said

"Is Paul a good father to Ethel?" Linda asked

"He is. He just adores Ethel. He'll officially be her father when we get married and I could not be any happier about it. Ethel's a daddy's girl" I said

"Is she?" Linda asked

"Yes. She really loves Paul" I said

"Then there's Heather. She's a mommy's girl" Linda said. Martha joined us, dropping a tennis ball in my lap. She sat in front of me, patiently waiting for me to throw the ball. I threw it for her. It landed in one of the bushes and Martha searched for it. I laughed as I watch her.

"Isn't your birthday coming up soon?" Linda asked

"Yeah. It's on the twenty third. That's when I'm planning on opening the gallery" I said

"Is it alright if I take pictures? When Joseph and I open our photography business, it'll double as a photo gallery. I think pictures of your artwork would be perfect to put in the gallery" Linda said

"Linda, I'd be honored" I said. Linda smiled.

"Oh!" she said putting a hand on her stomach

"What is it?" I asked

"Alex is kicking!" Linda said


I got home from visiting with Linda. Paul still wasn't home. I put Ethel in her play area and went upstairs. I was looking for something more comfortable to change into since I was at home for the rest of the day. When I got inside, I saw a whole bunch of paper with writing. I picked one up and noticed Paul's writing on it. At the very top, it read WEDDING VOWS. Should I read it or let him read it to me on our wedding day? I thought it wouldn't hurt to read it. I started reading it.

Oh my lovely Alice,

Your eyes shine brighter than the stars in the sky. Your smile lights up my world. Your lips taste sweeter than sugar. Your hair is softer than a summer breeze. Your kisses are tender. Your embraces are gentle. I've never been in love before I met you. Any guy would be lucky to have you, I'm happy that lucky guy is me. I can barely focus because you're always on my mind. I'm never letting you go. You're mine forever because now you're my wife

At this point, I was crying. I knew he loved me but I never knew that he loved me this much. I'm the first and only girl he's ever been in love with. I heard the door open and close from downstairs. I quickly put the written vows back and wiped my tears before heading downstairs. I watched as Paul took his coat off. He hung it up before looking at me. When he saw me, he smiled at me.

"Hello, my love" Paul said. I smiled and walked over to him. When I was close to him, he embraced me.

"How was your day?" he asked

"It was beautiful" I said

"Was it now?" Paul asked. I nodded

"But it's even better now that you're here with me" I said

"I can think of something that will make it even better" Paul said. I looked up at him and smirked.

"Oh yeah? What would that be?" I asked. Paul moved his hands from my back. He placed them on my head so that his fingers were resting in my hair and his palms were touching my cheeks. He started stroking my cheeks with his thumbs.

"I was thinking this" Paul said before letting his lips touch mine. I closed my eyes at the feeling of his soft lips against mine. Our lips moved against each other in rhythm. Paul pulled away from me for a moment, his forehead resting against mine and the tips of our noses just brushing against each other. His lips were so close to mine and I just needed him to kiss me again.

"Can I tell you something, my beautiful princess?" Paul asked. He gave me another kiss.

"I haven't loved a girl as much as I love you" Paul said. Another kiss.

"Not even Jane" he said. Kiss.

"She was just puppy love" Kiss.

"With you I feel love" Kiss.

"Passion" Kiss.

"Intimacy' Kiss.

"And lust" Kiss. This time his lips never left mine. We moved to the couch and we had a passionate make out session for almost an hour. I forgot all about the world around me. I even forgot that Ethel was in her play area probably what the hell mommy and daddy are doing.

Something~Sequel to I Wanna Be Your Man~Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin