Chapter 83

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Alice's P.O.V

March 25, 1968

Here I was, laying in bed, staring at the blank wall. My mind has been on Ethel lately. I've never been away from her for this long. Ringo and Maureen went home at the beginning of the month. They missed their kids and Ringo said he wasn't really happy with the food. Now I kind of felt like going home. I needed to be with my little angel again. I heard the door open.

"Love, are you still here?" I heard Pauls voice. That's when I started crying. This alerts myself to Paul. He sat beside me on the bed. I sat up and he pulled me into his lap. I buried my face on his shoulder and continued to cry. He started to rub my back, stroke my hair and rock me back and forth.

"What's wrong, love?" Paul asked

"I want to go home. I miss my baby girl. I miss Martha" I cried

"I miss them too, love" Paul said. I pulled away so I could meet Paul's eyes.

"I want to go home" I said.

"Alright, love. First thing tomorrow morning we'll leave" Paul said. I cracked a smile.

"There's that beautiful smile I love so much" Paul said. He wiped my tears and let his hand stay on my cheek.

The next morning, we left without letting anyone know. We left really early in the morning so I slept the whole plane ride home. I'm pretty sure Paul slept as well. Once our plane landed, we got all our stuff and took a cab home. I was finally relieved when we got back home. It was still in early in the morning when we got back.

"Home sweet home" I said, falling onto the couch. I heard the tapping of claws on the floor and I knew it just had to be Martha.

"Hi Martha" I said, turning my head in her direction. We were now face to face, allowing Martha to french kiss my face.

"Okay, Martha. I get it. I missed you too. Now go say hi to Paul" I said. Martha stopped licking me and went over to Paul. She jumped up on him and licked his face as well.

"I missed you too Martha" Paul said, petting her head. I heard the shuffling of feet.

"What the hell is going on in here?" Helen asked with a groggy voice

"What, can a dog not welcome her owners home after they've been gone for almost two months" I said

"Paul? Alice? What are you two doing home early? I thought you were at the retreat until mid-April" Helen said

"Alice was getting really upset lately because she hasn't seen Ethel in awhile. Alice was really missing her and honestly, I was too" Paul explained

"Well it's good your home now. Ethel was really missing you guys. Ethel refused to sleep in her room until you two came back. She slept in your bed in hopes that mommy and daddy would be there when she woke up" Helen said

"Is she sleeping right now?" I asked

"Yeah. In your bed. Now if you two don't mind, I'm going back to bed and I'm not waking up until noon" Helen said. She went back to her room. I yawned and stretched out on the couch.

"You still tired, love?" Paul asked.

"Yeah" I said

"How about we go to bed and join the little one?" Paul said

"Alright, but you have to carry me" I said. I held out my arms so Paul could pick me up. He did so and carried me to the bedroom. He laid me down beside Ethel. I smiled at my little angel.

"She looks like a little angel when she sleeps" I said

"She does. She looks so at peace" Paul said, laying down on the opposite side of Ethel. Paul made sure that we were all covered with enough blanket. I started running my hands through Ethel's hair. She didn't wake but she did move closer to me, nuzzling into my chest.

"Do you think she cried herself to sleep some nights?" I asked

"I imagine so. She's not used to having us gone for so long. She probably just missed us a lot" Paul said

"Well when she wakes up, she'll be the happiest girl in the world" I said. I yawned again and my eyelids started to droop. Paul reached over to grab my hand.

"Go to sleep love" Paul said. I smiled.

"I love you" I said

"I love you too" Paul said


I woke up when I felt someone jumping on the bed.

"Mommy! Daddy!" Ethel said. She must have woken up Paul with her jumping as well.

"Morning, little one" Paul said with a smile

"Good morning my little darling" I said. Paul and I sat up and moved closer to each other.

"You were away too long" Ethel said. She sat down, snuggling into Paul and I.

"We know, little one. We decided to come home early" Paul said

"Why?" Ethel asked

"We both really missed you" I said

"Mommy even cried a bit because she was missing you a lot" Paul said. He grabbed my hand and started rubbing the back of it with his thumb. Ethel hugged me.

"You don't need to be sad anymore, mommy" Ethel said

"I know sweetie" I said. Ethel let go of me and looked to Paul.

"Did you cry daddy?" Ethel asked

"Just not in front of mommy" Paul said. Ethel hugged Paul. Just then, Martha barged into the room and jumped up on the bed.

"Martha missed you guys too" Ethel said. She let go of Paul and crawled over to Martha. Ethel sat by Martha, who put her head on Ethel's lap.

"Ethel, can daddy and I talk alone for a bit?" I asked

"Okay mommy" Ethel said. Ethel and Martha both got off the bed and ran out of the room.

"What do you want to talk about, love?" Paul asked

"Next time we go off on a trip, let's bring Ethel with us. She really missed us. I don't want to feel like a bad parent by not letting her come with us" I said.

"I agree, love. We miss her too much and she misses us too much" Paul said. I smiled and hugged Paul.

"You're a great father, you know" I said

"And you're an amazing mother" Paul said. He gave me a kiss.

"Let's go find Ethel. I think she deserves a day out with us" Paul said

"I think so too" I said. Never again were we going on a trip without our daughter.

Something~Sequel to I Wanna Be Your Man~Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin