Chapter 69

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Alice's P.O.V

September 13, 1967

It was day three into the tour and filming. We made a stop in a town that was close to a country side for the morning. Paul had to film a music sequence for The Fool On The Hill. He wanted me to be in it with him and I wasn't going to refuse. First, I had a call to make.

"Paul, I'm going to find a phone and call Linda. I'll be right back" I said

"Alright, love" Paul said, giving me a kiss. I smiled and went off to find a phone. I entered one of the buildings and found a phone in there. I dialled Linda and Joseph's number and waited for an answer.

"Hello?" Linda spoke

"Hey Linda" I said

"Hi Alice. How's the tour going?" Linda asked

"It's fun. We're having lots of fun. How about you, Joseph and the kids" I said. Linda let out a frustrated sigh.

"My dads been on my case lately about Heather's schooling" Linda said

"Oh yeah. She's about that age now. Is she at school now?" I asked

"Not really. Joseph and I are trying to homeschool her. I've been having to travel more frequently and I usually bring the kids along. My dad always thought being a photographer wasn't a good plan for me" Linda said

"Linda, you are an amazing photographer. Don't let anyone hold you down from it. I'm sure you and Joseph will figure out something for the kids soon enough" I said

"Thanks Alice. In a couple of years, Joseph and I are making the move to Tucson and the kids will go to school there" Linda said

"It's good that you've got a plan for the future then" I said

"I have to go now Alice. I have an assignment that I have to get to. Call me again later, alright" Linda said

"I will Linda. Bye" I said. I hung up the phone and went to go find Paul.


Paul and I went to the country side to film The Fool On The Hill sequence. It was quite fun dancing and skipping around with Paul. Paul grabbed both of my hands and spun me around. He sang as he did so.

"But the fool on the hill, Sees the sun going down, And the eyes in his head
See the world spinning around" Paul sang to me as we danced. Once we finished spinning me around, we both fell to the ground, laughing as we did so. Paul an arm around me and pulled me close to him.

"Words alone cannot express how much I love you" Paul said. I smiled at him and cupped his cheek.

"Then show me how much you love me" I said.

"Gladly" Paul said, pulling me in for a passionate kiss. Our lips moved together in sync. I smiled as I thought about him much Paul made me happy and how he treated me like a queen. When we pulled away, he rest his forehead against mine. The tips of our noses lightly brushed against each other.

"I love you so much. I really, really love you" Paul said. I giggled.

"I know you do Paul. You tell me everyday. I love you too" I said. He rubbed his nose against mine and we have each other Eskimo kisses. When we pulled away, I looked at him with a smirk.

"What?" Paul asked

"Do you know what butterfly kisses are?" I asked.

"I'd love you to show me" Paul said. I moved so my eyelashes were close to Paul's cheek. I then started blinking so that my lashes brushed against Paul's cheek. When I finished, I looked at Paul. We stared at each other for a moment and then Paul spoke.

"We should probably be getting back" Paul said

"But it's still early. We're not leaving until the afternoon" I said

"I know but still. Just for a bit then we can come back and spend more time alone" Paul said. I nodded in agreement.


Once we got back, we met up with Helen who had Ethel with her.

"There you two are. Your daughter has been wanting you Alice" Helen said

"Alright. I'll take her" I said. Helen gave me Ethel.

"Well it looks like someone gets to spend with mommy and daddy" I said. At that moment, John walked up to Paul and I. He had Julian with him.

"Hi John. Hi Jules" I said

"Hi Alice. You don't mind me borrowing Paul for about half an hour, do you?" John asked

"Not as long as Paul doesn't mind" I said

"Alright but only half an hour. I still want to spend time with my two favourite girls" Paul said.

"Thanks. And could you watch Julian as well?" John asked

"Of coarse" I said. John let Julian down and then Julian stood at me side.

"Have fun you two!" I said as John and Paul walked off. I turned around and saw that Helen wasn't there anymore.

"Looks like it's just the three of us. Come on, let's go kill half an hour" I said


I brought Ethel and Julian to the country side so I could be alone with them both. I sat down on a hill and then I let Ethel and Julian run around.

"Stay within my eyesight, alright you two?" I said

"Yes mommy" Ethel said

"Okay Auntie Alice" Julian said

"Good. Now you two go have fun" I said. Julian grabbed Ethel's hand and the two ran off but they made sure to not go too far. I laid down and propped myself up on my elbows. I saw Julian and Ethel pick some flowers. Once they each picked a handful, they ran back over to me.

"These are for you Auntie Alice" Julian said, giving me the group of flowers.

"Thank you Jules. Ethel, are those flowers for me as well?" I asked. Ethel nodded and gave me the flowers. I thanked them both and they ran off to play again. I started making the flowers into a crown. Once I finished the crown, I placed it on my head. Julian and Ethel both ran back to me.

"You look pretty Auntie Alice" Julian said

"Thanks Jules. What do you think Ethel?" I asked

"You look pretty" Ethel said.

"Thanks, little darling" I said. I kissed Ethel's head and then Julian jumped onto my lap.

"I want one too!" Julian said

"Alright" I said, kissing Julian's head. Julian smiled. He then grabbed Ethel's cheeks and quickly pecked her on the lips.

"Aww, you two are so cute! I have an idea, how about we roll down the hill and have a race?" I asked. Both Ethel and Julian nodded. I sat up and grabbed their hands, guiding them up the hill. Once we got to the top, we laid on our sides and readied ourselves.

"On three. One, two, three!" I said. We all gave ourselves and then rolled down the hill. I was the first one to reach the bottom of the hill. Julian and Ethel both rolled into me, causing them to go into a fit of giggles.

"We should start heading back. How about you two take turns getting a piggyback ride?" I asked

"Yeah!" both children said

"Alright. Who's first?" I asked. Julian quickly raised his hand. I picked Julian up and carried him on my back. On the way there, I alternated between Ethel and Julian. I love these kids too much.

Something~Sequel to I Wanna Be Your Man~Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin