Chapter 76

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Alice's P.O.V

December 20, 1967

I was getting ready to do some Christmas shopping with Linda, Laura and Helen. There was five more days until Christmas and until Ethel's fourth birthday. I finished getting ready and grabbed my list of presents before going downstairs. When I got into the kitchen, I found Ethel sitting on Paul's lap, colouring a picture.

"Hey you two" I said. Paul looked at me and smiled.

"Hello, love" Paul said. Ethel then looked up at me.

"Hi mommy" Ethel said. She went back to her colouring.

"I made some tea if you want some" Paul said

"You know me too well" I said

"That's because I love you" Paul said

"I love you too" I said, giving Paul a kiss as I walked past him. I walked up to the counter and poured myself a cup of tea. I then sat at the table.

"How long do you think you're going to be out today?" Paul asked

"I don't know. I have a lot on my list. What are you two planning on doing today?" I said

"Ethel agreed to help me decorate around the house. Isn't that right, little one" Paul said

"Yeah. Daddy and I are going to put up the tree" Ethel said

"Well, it sounds like you two have a fun day planned" I said. Helen came into the kitchen.

"Morning everyone" Helen said

"Morning Helen" Paul said

"Hey Helen. Are you almost ready to go? We have lots of shopping to get done today" I said

"I know. It's going to be exhausting" Helen said

"I know it is. Might as well head out then" I said

"You girls have fun" Paul said

"We will" I said, giving Paul a kiss.

"I want a kiss too mommy!" Ethel said. I giggled, giving her a kiss on the cheek.

"I love you both. I'll be back later. This house better look festive when I get home" I said.

"I can't wait to see what you two so with the house" Helen said

"We promise it will be the most festive house in all of London" Paul said. With that, Helen and I left.


When the four of us got to the mall, we decided to split into pairs. I went off with Laura while Linda and Helen went off to do some shopping.

"Where to first?" Laura asked. I looked at my list.

"How about Linda's present? I need to find her a new photo album" I said

"Sounds good" Laura said.


I got through almost every bodies presents that were on the list. All that was left was Paul's present.

"Just Paul's present left then?" Laura said

"Yep. He's been mentioning to me about how he needs a new acoustic guitar so I'm going to get one for him" I said

"What do you think Paul got you?" Laura said

"Oh, I don't know but I have a feeling it was probably something expensive" I said

"Paul spoils you sometimes" Laura said

"I know he does. He only does it because he loves me" I said

"And I can tell you love him" Laura said

"That I do" I said

"Now, let's go find that handsome fiancé of yours a new guitar" Laura said.


After a long day of shopping, we all went out for lunch. When the waitress came to take our orders, Linda, Helen and I ordered vegetarian meals while Laura ordered a burger.

"What is up with every one being a vegetarian? Not that I have a problem with it but still" Laura asked

"I don't think it's right to eat anything with a face" Linda said

"I agree with Linda. The more time I spent with Linda, I realized that I wanted to become vegetarian" I said

"That's just how I was raised. Growing up, there wasn't any meat allowed in the house" Helen said

"Really? So I guess for Christmas dinner I'm making a vegetarian meal" Laura said

"You can make turkey or ham if you want" I said

"Us three won't eat any of it though. Neither would Joseph" Linda said

"Or Paul" I said

"Okay. Making a vegetarian meal for five and turkey for the rest. Makes my job as a chef much easier" Laura said


Laura dropped off Linda first and then Helen and I. She helped us carry presents inside. I hid them all in Ethel's closet. It's not like she ever goes in there. I still had one present to carry in and that was Paul's.

"Helen, I need you distract Paul so I can carry in his present without him noticing it" I said

"You got it" Helen said, going inside that house. I waited until I saw Helen and Paul talking in the window. I quietly carried it in and made my way to Ethel's room where I could hide it.

"Alice, you sneaky and clever girl" I said to myself. When I left Ethel's room, I ran into Paul.

"Love, what are you doing in Ethel's room?" Paul asked

"Oh, I was just looking for something but I forgot what I was looking for" I said. I walked past Paul but he grabbed my hand. I turned my around so I was facing him. He stared at me with those beautiful, brown eyes of his and smiled.

"You look really beautiful" Paul said. I couldn't help but blush.

"You know how much that makes me blush when you say that" I said

"All the more reason to say it then. You look absolutely beautiful when you blush" Paul said. He tucked a strand of hair behind my ear. His eyes moved from my own to my lips. I bit my lip.

"It's so sexy when you bite your lip like that" Paul said, leaning in closer.

"How much do you want to kiss me right now" I asked.

"So much. I love your lips" Paul said. He leaned even closer so that the tips of our noses were touching.

"Then kiss me" I said. And so he did. His kiss was full of love and passion. Words can not describe how much I love this man.

Something~Sequel to I Wanna Be Your Man~Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin