Chapter 64

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Alice's P.O.V

August 25, 1967

Paul and I were getting ready for our trip to Bangor, Wales. We along with the other Beatles and their wives were going to attend a seminar by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. All I had left to do was talk to our new nanny. Paul and I figured it was best to hire a nanny since we've both been busy. Her name was Helen White and she just finished high school. She has long red hair and green eyes. She was planning to go to university to become a teacher. When I put up flyers that said Paul and I looking for a nanny, Helen was the first one to our door.

"Love! We have to get to the airport!" Paul called from the living room.

"I'm coming!" I said. I looked at Helen and she flashed a grin.

"You go Miss Anderson. I don't want to be the reason you and Mr. McCartney miss your flight" Helen said

"Thanks Helen. You can call us Alice and Paul. We're not fancy high class people like that" I said

"Alright Alice. Now go! I promise to take good care of Ethel" Helen said

"Thanks Helen. I'll call you when we land" I said. I grabbed my bag and joined Paul whom was waiting at the front door.

"You ready to go, love?" Paul asked

"Yeah. I just don't want to leave my baby" I said

"Helen's here to watch her. She'll be fine, love" Paul said

"I know" I said. Paul grabbed my hand and kissed it.

"Let's go then" Paul said


The flight to Wales seemed so long but I think it's just because my mind was on Ethel. It's not that I didn't trust Helen, she's a sweet girl and is experienced from what I've seen, but this is the first time being in a different country than her. Once we finally landed, I rushed to find a phone. I quickly dialled the number and waited for an answer.

"Hello. This is the Anderson-McCartney household nanny speaking" I heard Helen's voice

"Helen! It's Alice!" I said

"Hi Alice. How was the flight?" Helen asked

"It was good. How's my baby?" I asked

"She's fine Alice. I promise to take good care of her. I have the number of the hotel you have gave me so I'll call you if anything happens" Helen assured me. I felt someone tap my shoulder. I turned my head and saw Paul.

"Love, the limo is here to take us to the hotel" Paul said. I nodded.

"Helen, I have to go now. Tell Ethel mommy and daddy love her" I said

"I will. You and Paul have fun" Helen said. With that, the line went dead. I looked to Paul with a worried expression.

"What's wrong now, love?" Paul asked

"Nothing. It's just what if something happens to Ethel. What if she gets hurt or sick and we're not there" I said. Paul put his hands on my shoulder.

"Love, she'll be fine. Helen knows what to do if anything happens to her. She knows what Ethel is allergic to, it's not like she's going to have an allergic reaction anyways. There's no fish in the house or any meat of that matter. Helen is certified in CPR and she knows what to do if God forbid anything happen to Ethel. She knows that Joseph and Linda are emergency contacts and she would definitely call us if anything were to happen" Paul assured me

"You're right" I said. Paul smiled and gave me a kiss.

"Let's go settle at the hotel and then get to that seminar" Paul said. I smiled and grabbed his hand. We made our way to the hotel.


The seminar lasted for a few hours. It helped me keep my mind of off Ethel. Every few or so minutes, Paul and I would sneak in a kiss or two. Halfway through the seminar, Paul put his hand on my bare thigh and moved it farther up my dress. This made me put my hand on his knee and slowly inch my way closer to his crotch. We teased each other through out the seminar and now here we are, in our hotel room, making sweet, passionate love.

"Fuck, love. You're so tight" Paul moaned.

"Mmm. And you're so big Paulie" I moaned in response. His hips rocked against mine. He started to kiss my neck. He sucked on my sweet spot, causing me to moan and I knew for sure that there was going to be a hickey there. The phone then started to ring.

"Paul... the phone" I moaned out.

"I'm not stopping until we both cum, love" Paul said, followed by a groan of pleasure. I answered the phone anyways figuring it might be Helen.

"H-hello" I tried my best to speaking without moaning.

"Hi Alice. I have a question" Helen said

"Hmm" I hummed in pleasure. My eyes locked with Paul's. He smirked at me and started thrusting at a faster pace.

"Where's the first aid kit? I took Ethel and Martha to the park and Ethel lost her balance. She fell on the concrete and scraped herself. It's not bad but I just want to make sure it doesn't get infected" Helen said

"Ethel's bedroom.... in the shelf" I breathed out

"Are you alright Alice?" Helen asked

"Yes... Ooh" I moaned. Paul leaned in close to my ear.

"You're such a naughty girl, talking on the phone while I'm fucking you" Paul said, causing me to moan again.

"Umm, Alice? Are you and Paul... you know..." Helen awkwardly asked. I felt my orgasm approaching.

"I h-have to go" I said and quickly hung up the phone. I started moaning like crazy to let Paul know I was about to have my release.

"You gonna cum, love?" Paul said, his hips now slamming into mine. Before I could answer, I came and screamed out in pleasure.

"That's it, love. Cum for- fucking shit!" Paul screamed as he came inside me. We both kissed each other and rode out our highs. Paul got off of me and laid next to me, pulling me close to him.

"Was that Helen?" Paul asked

"Yeah. Ethel just scraped herself. It wasn't bad or anything. Helen just wanted to make sure the scrape was clean and bandaged so it doesn't get infected" I said

"See, love? It's good we picked Helen to watch over Ethel. Helen will make sure nothing happens to our daughter" Paul said, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear.

"I know. Helen's a lovely girl" I said

"That she is. Now go to sleep, love. We have more of the seminar to go to tomorrow" Paul said. He kissed me and then sang me to sleep, never letting me out of his grasp.

Hey you guys. Helen is a new regular character from now on! So get used to her because you'll be seeing her a lot. If you want to get an idea of what Helen looks like, she's being played by Bryce Dallas Howard!~Emma

Something~Sequel to I Wanna Be Your Man~Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin