Chapter 57

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Paul's P.O.V

~Two weeks later~

It's been two weeks since the day that the car hit Alice. Her birthday passed and we postponed the wedding. Now we don't know when we're going to have it. Alice hasn't been herself for the past two weeks. She hasn't left the house in two weeks and the only time she comes out of our room is when she's hungry or uses the bathroom. I'm really worried about her. Since she had the bedroom locked, I've been sleeping on the couch for two weeks. Her dad stopped by a few times to check up on her but she wouldn't see him. Robert said that Alice has depression. I don't blame her. The one time she's finally pregnant, Ethan scares her off and she gets hit by a car. I honestly blame Ethan for this whole thing. If it wasn't for him, Alice and I would be married now and Alice would still be pregnant with our child. Linda's been pretty worried about her too. When I broke the news to Linda, she actually started crying. When Linda wanted to talk to Alice, Alice would refuse. Today, I invited Linda and Joseph over in hopes that they could get Alice talking again. When I walked by the bedroom door to get Ethel, I saw that Martha was laying in front of the door. Martha hasn't left that spot since Alice locked herself in the bedroom.

"I know Martha. I'm worried about her too" I said. I crouched down and gave Martha a pet. I went into Ethel's room and woke her up. When I walked past the closed room, Ethel let out a cry.

"Mommy" Ethel said

"Mommy's okay. She's just really upset and doesn't want to come out of her room yet" I said. I brought Ethel downstairs and sat with her on the couch. I sat with Ethel until I heard a knock on the door. I got up to answer the door. It was Linda and Joseph with Heather and Alex.

"Hi Paul" Linda said

"Hi Linda. Hi Joseph. Please come in" I said. They both came in. Heather tapped on my leg.

"Uncle Paul, is Auntie Alice okay? Mommy says she won't come out of her room" Heather asked

"She's okay. She's just really upset" I explained. Heather nodded and went over to Joseph. Joseph looked down at Heather and then looked at me.

"Is Alice at least eating?" Joseph asked

"Yeah but not that much. She won't eat a big meal" I explained.

"I'm going to go try and talk to her" Linda said.

"I'll go up with you" I said. Linda nodded. Linda followed me upstairs. We stood outside of the bedroom door. I knocked on the door.

"Go away Paul!" Alice cried.

"Alice, Linda's here. She wants you to talk to her" I said

"No! I don't want to talk to anyone! Leave me alone!" Alice said. I saw Linda tearing and she knocked on the door.

"Please Alice. I just want to talk to you for ten minutes" Linda said

"Fine but only if Paul goes back downstairs. I don't want him to see me like this" Alice said. Linda gave me a look and I sighed.

"Alright. I'll go. I'm going Alice! It's just going to be Linda!" I said. I leaned in close to Linda.

"Please tell me how she is when you're done" I said. Linda nodded. I then went downstairs.

Linda's P.O.V

Paul went downstairs.

"Okay Alice! It's just me!" I said. It was silent for a moment when I heard the lock on the door click. The door then opened. I looked at Alice. She looked pale and her eyes were red and puffy. She also looked like she had lost a lot of weight. Her hair was also different. She had cut it so that her hair ended at her her jawline.

"Hi Linda" Alice said. I couldn't help but pull her in for a hug.

"Alice, please come downstairs. Paul hasn't seen your face in two weeks. Your daughter hasn't seen your face in two weeks. I know what happened is going to be hard to forget and get over but that doesn't mean you should lock yourself in your room for the rest of your life" Linda said

"Okay. I'll go downstairs" Alice said. I smiled and grabbed her hand. I led her downstairs.

Paul's P.O.V

I felt relieved when I finally saw Linda come down with Alice. She looked pale and skinnier than usual. Her hair was also cut short. She still looked beautiful.

"Love, I'm so happy to finally see your face" I said, pulling her in for a kiss. Even though it's only been two weeks, I've missed her kisses so much.

"I'm sorry for ignoring you Paul. I've just been really upset and-" Alice said

"Don't apologize, love. I understand" I said. Martha stepped in between us and  jumped up onto Alice. She laughed and gave Martha pets. It warmed my heart to hear Alice laugh again.

"I'm fine now Martha. Thank you" Alice said. Martha got off of Alice. Ethel cried out for Alice.

"Mommy!" Ethel said. Ethel trotted over to Alice. Alice picked her up and kissed Ethel's forehead.

"I'm sorry I haven't been a good mommy for the past two weeks. I'll make it up to you Ethel" Alice said.

"Alice, is it alright if we treat you to lunch?" Joseph suggested.

"I'd love that. I really need something to eat" Alice said. Linda smiled and hugged Alice.

"Everything will get better Alice. It just takes time" Linda said.

"We'll meet you two in the car. Let's go to the car" Joseph said. Linda and Heather followed Joseph outside.  When they left, I gave Alice another kiss.

"I was really worried about you, you know" I said

"I'm sorry I worried you. This is just going to be one of those things that I need to take time to get over" Alice said

"I know, love but things will get better" I said. Alice smiled and kissed me again.

"You know, you look really gorgeous with short hair" I said

"Really? I'm glad you like it then" Alice said

"I love it" I said. I gave her another longing kiss.

"You're right, you know. Things will get better" Alice said, before she went outside. That's when I got the idea for another song.

Something~Sequel to I Wanna Be Your Man~Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin