Chapter 42

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"You guys get home safe

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"You guys get home safe." One of the cops nodded to Rafe and Olivia as they stood next to each other Rafe's hand wrapped around her waist. Olivia looked back slightly noticing the Sheriff watching them closely.

He didn't find shit on them because their stories were set straight.

"Thanks." Olivia nodded back at him before looking back to Shoupe. "Thanks for nothing Shoupe." She rolled her eyes removing herself from Rafe's hold as she moved outside.

She could hear footsteps behind her knowing that it was Rafe she didn't bother turning around.

"Liv." He called. Olivia ignored him as she paused pulling out her phone. Rafe moved to her side looking at her phone. "Liv." She continued to ignore him as she placed her phone on her ear.

Pausing as the phone rang. "Hello?" She said it the person.

"Yeah dad, you think you can pick us up from the police station? No he didn't get arrested again, something stupid happened we were questioned that's it. But I left my car at the airstrip, it got towed."

Rafe could hear her fathers muffled voice as he sounded angry.

"Okay, yeah. Got it." She looked down placing her phone in her pocket as she ran a hand through her hair.

She turned to look at Rafe. "He's coming." She brushed past him going to sit on a bench that was outside the station. Rafe nodded following her to the bench.

"Are you okay?"

Olivia shrugged pulling her phone out again.


"Rafe I'm just tired okay? I'm tired, I just want to go home and sleep okay? I'm not in the mood to talk right now."

Rafe nodded his head at her before he spoke. "Okay." He sat next to her pulling her towards himself.

Olivia sighed. Placing her head on his shoulder. She was exhausted.

"I'm not mad." She placed her hand in his as he intertwined them.

Rafe placed a kiss on her forehead.

"I know baby. I'm sorry, I know what you were thinking-"

"Rafe I get it, he's your dad. I know how important he is to you. I get it okay? I just get worried."

"And you don't need to be. I'll take care of the both of us okay? All you gotta do is be here, with me." Rafe looked down at her as she started up into his eyes.

She leaned in slowly placing a kiss on his lips. Before she mumbled against them. "I love you."

"I love you more."

Suddenly the two jumped apart at the sound of a honk.

Olivia turned to the noise and noticed her fathers truck. She stood up grabbing Rafe's hand as she led him to the car.

THE LIST ♡ RAFE CAMERON Where stories live. Discover now